In classic Bills fan fashion, many will come out of the woodwork to praise McClapper on the "culture change" and "new energy"
Remember when we beat the Colts week 1 a few years back?
I'm not anti-new regime but I am not willing I blindly put faith into an organization three weeks into there first season.
Regardless, many are missing the point
I initially was trying to make. As originally stated, I think his sideline mannerisms are sincere but as a fan, when something negative happens, it's annoying to see him adamantly clapping. This weeks narrative supports many mindless fans buy-in and totally ignores the questionable moves and schemes thus far. I was happy with the win. And the defense really came through. I predicted a huge defeat and was wrong, it doesn't change the fact that watching him on the sideline occasionally pisses me off.
Anyways, flame away!