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Everything posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. Yes but I think they will also take into account the prior year's success. Given how drastic of a change in record and performance the Rams have untaken, it is likely McVay. But as you said, if McClap takes the Bills to the big dance, then it is clearly a factor
  2. As do I. Has that ever happened before? I tried looking it up but my initial search was fruitless
  3. What is the percentage chance of every wildcard team winning this weekend?
  4. Sammy gave zero effort to go up for that ball This is an incredibly ironic statement
  5. These refs are terrible
  6. I've never understand the QBComparison stat for team's head to head records. How does the Bills victory over the Chiefs have any implications of who the better QB is?
  7. No point, just putting out their numbers. In fact, I had these stats on hand because of a preseason bet my buddy and I made
  8. Smith: 9 win season 341 of 505 which makes a 67.5% completion percentage. 4,402 yards, 25 TDs, 5 INTS, sacked 35 times for 207 yards. He rushed for an additional 355 yards with another TD, but lost one fumble lost. 26 Total TDs and 6 tournovers Taylor: 9 win season 263 of 420 which makes a 62.6% completion percentage. 2,799 yards, 14 TDs, 4INTS, sacked 46 yards for 256 yards. He rushed for an additional 427 yards with 4 TDs, but two fumbles lost. 18 Total TD's and 6 tournovers
  9. The difficulty of the chase makes the struggle worthwhile. If more teams make it, it decreases the importance of each game. I appreciate the structure now beeause of how special each spot is. Your idea about the one-team bye is cool though
  10. This was a good idea in 2016. But we in this **** so who cares?!
  11. Is it possible these stats are solely coincidental? Yea, he is a good player, but he is not the only reason for their success in those eight games. After my responsibilities this morning, I want to look at which of the games those were to see how much of an impact he is possibly having.
  12. PA Naked bootleg, TT scramble for 1
  13. I wasn't aware it ever started
  14. I hope he gets the gig just to see what happens. Good luck to him!
  15. My couch is full, back off...
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