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Everything posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. Sam, You've somehow managed to make 130 MILLION dollars over your disappointing 9 year career. Retire and enjoy life already. Sincerely, Everyone who hasn't made 130 million for no reason
  2. Starting the morning with a sausage roll and coffee. Will start the oven a little later to get the stuffed jalepenos going. Game time will be stromboli and assortment of snacks washed down with Jack's Abby Post Shift Lager Daylight Savings has me up and moving. Hoping to see the defense dominate and give our offense a short field or two to try and generate some easy points. Nate, if you're reading this: work the middle of the field!
  3. So this is still a thing? I hope for his sake he blows up and signs a r8diculous contract with the Giants or some idiotic franchise who is desperate for a new face of the team. Just hope it isn't us.
  4. Disregard anyone saying he should sit because of the putrid OL play and lack of WR talent don't give us a fair view of him as a player. Evaluate HIM in as many games as possible. For example, he missed open throws prior to his injury. Can he cut down on the missed opportunities? Can he hang longer in the pocket? Can he be more decisive? It isn't about statistics, or even wins/losses. It is about exposing him to as many situations as possible to try and see if he will adapt and grow or fail. Post bye week would be perfect. It would allow time for full recovery and give him one start against each divisional opponent. Like I said, letting him experience these situations from the field is most important at this time. Again, don't tell me "he could get injured". He could always get injured. So could Aaron Rogers, or Drew Brees. It's a contact sport. You never know when it is your day. Hiding him on the bench buried behind these excuses just puts off until next year what we need to see now.
  5. Congrats to those women. You could have simply brought up the recognition. Leave it at that.
  6. Here's his chance
  7. If this dude leaves a two minute drive for 6 I'm going to die
  8. Even through the drought, I always could take comfort in the fact we had Brian Moorman booming punts. Nowadays, even the 49ers punter is better...
  9. We've got some serious comp for first overall pick. Thie Gruden led raiders team is BAD. Haven't watched them until tonight. What was once good is no longer on the roster or not the same as it once was.
  10. When all 32 teams pass on a guy 7 times, I'm a skeptic. However, he looks pretty good so far. Imo, it's only a matter of times until the wheels fall off. They aren't exactly playing a stellar defense.
  11. Wow, get your young QB quick and easy completionions? Novelty. Pardon the sarcasm but it is frustrating
  12. ***** excuses. Mishandling the most important position in football id inexcusable. So yes, you roll the dice on Bridgewater. If you trade AJ, you bring in someone else. Going into the season without a veteran QB was obvious to some. I give this regime no pass for this. They drafted both the guys in the QB room and if neither of them are serviceable, that's on them.
  13. Anyone who watches this game tonight is a complete dumbass. You literally have nothing better to do with your time? You should be ashamed of your worthless, time wasting, sad excuse of a life. I know I sure am...or at least that's what my friends tell me.
  14. Lots of guys have printed tickets that were purchased through online, secondhand vendors. A risky gamble but for ten bucks, worth it. My buddy bought a preseason ticket to the regular season home opener two years ago. Yes, he was that drunk.
  15. "I'll have to look at the tape" You mean, you don't know your offense is TERRIBLE? Or you're not man enough to admit your mistake outright? There are no moral victories. Go Sabres
  16. Robert Woods is ***** crazy
  17. I've done that same. "Customer loyalty" is a joke with that company. It is insulting how they are more concerned with striking up new clientele instead of rewarding those whove been loyal for years. We did that dance for years with those jokers but don't anymore. As much as I'd love the ticket and redzone, it isn't worth what I've paid in time/money. I'd rather save the cash and go to a bar, my friends or enjoy whatever game is on. I've fallen victim to the culture of the need for immediate gradification that is so widely spread amongst our youth today ('myself included). Im trying to peel away from my dependency on accessing everything I wish at a moment's notice (checks fantasy team score). Hey, nobody is perfect.
  18. Just because ppl aren't on the board salivating over other rookie QBs 24/7 doesn't mean they aren't out there. Ppl have lives, dude. Not me, but some people.
  19. I can't get reception either. Considering I canceled last year, IDT I should be as concerned as you.
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