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Everything posted by EmotionallyUnstable

  1. Homemade fried pizza logs 7 layer taco dip fried pickles Debating main course still ...opinions welcome
  2. I’m lucky I’m able to dedicate as much of my free time towards NFL in Sunday’s and hockey on week nights. As interested as I am in these “minor” league systems, it’s just not practical for me to watch. That being said, I think it’d be a cool idea to have a forum or thread for updates/highlights/opinions for folks like me
  3. Is it sad that I’m looking forward to boozing again, after my dry month?
  4. I’d rather blow my brains in than watch another man violate my wife.
  5. This is cool. Regardless of how you feel about this particular player, I like the idea of bringing in some rival players to offer some perspective on the NFL, AFC East and the Bills in general. Especially since it gets tiresome listening to the Bills homers
  6. Yesterday I had to snowblow the driveway just to get the car into the garage. The plows really dump the ***** at the end of the drive. This morning I woke up to another foot in the driveway, with about 14 inches piled up near the road. That cold and wind is no joke. Stay warm!
  7. I met a girl through a friend of a friend while my buddies and I were out one night. We started talking and eventually made plans to go to a party later in the week, her as my date. Four days later, as she was driving to my house, I found out the party was cancelled. So now I’m real nervous assuming that she is going to think I duped her into hanging out with no real intention of going to a party. Of course, I did what any reasonable person would do and started drinking lots of hard liquor, very quickly, to curb my anxieties. En route to my place, she had gotten turned around and showed up later than expected. Also unexpected: I was wayyyy too drunk. She showed up and we ended up hanging out, watching a movie and talked about getting food. We decided on a local diner. I convinced her to drive, knowing putting myself behind the wheel was a bad idea. At the diner, I had an omelet, pancakes and a milkshake. She did not eat. I left an outrageously large tip. She dropped me off, drove home and it was the worst date either of us have ever had. That was 10 years ago. Now, she is now my wife.
  8. Is it just me or does Mittelstadt seem to have 1 or 2 second chance opportunities per game but he never seems to bury them.
  9. Now i’m just pissed off
  10. Given the last twenty years of data, I’d say he’s about right on.
  11. Couldn’t agree more. Have said this before and was met with hostility: Buffalo Bills, it’s time to move on and separate the 90s greats’ opinions, beliefs, thoughts from your current football team.
  12. I read the tread title and wasn’t the least bit surprised. Seems that these firings have become as expected as the sunrise
  13. Where are the play by play updates?! Y’all slacking!
  14. Secrets Cap Cana in the Dominican Republic. I’ve been twice and it has been exceptional each time.
  15. Yep, so glad they are all there, year after year, instead of say, Atlanta...
  16. Amherst Ale House should be on the list imo definitely top 10
  17. Never liked Seinfeld big fan of Sebastian Maniscalco and Aziz Ansari
  18. I must be missing something: no team, in any sport, in any century, has had anywhere near the success the Patriots have enjoyed. Talent aside, how does a team fall into so much luck and good fortune for over a decade? It just doesn’t make any sense
  19. It was unbelievable. I couldnt understand wtf Sutton was thinking. Every third and long, the chiefs rushed 4, got nowhere near Brady, gave up the middle of the field and were gashed each time. So frustrating.
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