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Everything posted by Billznut

  1. lol CNN and MSNBC still haven’t even called the last three states the Trump won. I wonder when they will get around to it? Maybe 4 am?
  2. I wonder how many cities will riot or burn tonight or this week once liberals realize they lost and Trump is their president again?!
  3. Yep. All that’s left is the House. Gotta get it too.
  4. Got the White House and the Senate. Long time to go to find out about the house. Republicans better get that too or else it’s just going to be a repeat of 2018-2020 when the House accomplished nothing but trying to impeach Trump every other month. That’s all they will spend the next two years doing if they retake the House
  5. Sucks we have to still wait another three months to CLOSE THE BORDER. I wonder how many will be filing across in a hurry now and eagerly let in by the current d-bag administration.
  6. Yep that will be it officially
  7. Fox calls Pennsylvania for Trump. It’s basically over now
  8. Shocker now another black man, first CNN’s Van Jones and now Fox’s Juan Williams saying Harris lost because of racism by voters. The left just never can stop. I’m sure it’s all we will hear about the next few days. How this country has now been set back to the 60’s with racism
  9. I think the end result would have been very similiar to what we are seeing here. No way to ever prove it one way or the other.
  10. I’d agree. But so many democrats are so far down the rabbit hole I don’t know if they will ever dig themselves out of it.
  11. All these moronic leftist media members really need to find a new career. But why do I know they will never go away and we will hear all the same crap in coming years.
  12. 1 am four years ago, Trump led in a lot of these battleground states only to mysteriously lose hours later. I’m cautiously optimistic here but just like I don’t celebrate a Bills win until there are zeros on the clock, I’m not confident in anything tonight until I see 270 on the clock.
  13. Shockingly CNN’s Van Jones blaming a Harris loss on racism. 🤦‍♂️
  14. Harris supporters fleeing Howard University rally with their tails between their legs.
  15. Watching Dana Bash on CNN holding back tears as she has to describe how badly Harris performed tonight and now lost Georgia is just beautiful
  16. Republicans have now flipped the two seats needed to take control of the Senate!
  17. Even more notable is all the people that have vanished and are ashamed. Lol
  18. The ESPN playoff machine should be coming out soon. It’s free and just as about as good as the NYT machine.
  19. ESPN will probably do an instant 30 for 30 on how Mahomes overcame his “injury” tonight to lead them to the win.
  20. I’m sure they will get another 2-3 home games flexed into prime time so everybody can see more of them too.
  21. Funny about that Mahomes non injury. Absolutely no issues running on it since.
  22. He’s not the brightest bulb
  23. They most likely won’t even punch it in
  24. They should. I bet they won’t. Bowles too conservative.
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