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Big Gun

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Everything posted by Big Gun

  1. This fake also you ***** stick..... hope you're first to go dickbag! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/new-york-state-democrat-lawmaker-propose-bill-detain-disease-carriers-governor-deems-dangerous-public-health/
  2. Again you're so ***** stupid and ignorant its comical, hahaha........ you live such a pathetic life.......hahaha....... what a ***** loser you are! I'd laugh in your ***** face at how pathetic you are and there isnt a damn thing you would do about it if I ever seen you! You have NOTHING.
  3. Here is what you Dem voters want, you voted for this. Good job losers!
  4. This, bring them on, not scared of anybody, they should be scared to play us.
  5. Man, 30 years is way to long to wait to be relevant again in a league built on parity.
  6. Holy ***** you're an idiot, now you have resorted to the childish, I know you are but what am I schtick! Lol! Get a life dude, almost 3000 posts since July screams your a no job, no life loser in mommies basement! You're ***** useless!
  7. Know more than you do because you're dumb and refuse to open your eyes and ears, but hey you do you and keep your head in the sand and stay stupid. How do you function daily being as ignorant as you are, dummy!
  8. You are correct, people below poverty line, no money, food or shelter thanks to Democratic governors. They are the ones shutting ***** down, the Red states are open for business and doing just fine I might add, Trump is on their side wanting people back to work. Again you sound stupid when you open your mouth because it's nothing more than a cry fest of orange man bad syndrome! Learn something of what is really going on, it's everywhere, stop playing stupid, unless you can't because you are! Jan 6th!!!!
  9. People worry about the weirdest things. Let's enjoy the current ride while were still on it.
  10. IMHO = my opinion, its neither right or wrong, its just my opinion.
  11. Daboll will get interviews but IMHO he won't be selected as a head coach. I just don't think he is head coach material.
  12. These refs are embarrassing themselves now
  13. Wtf, the game is over, put the flags away
  14. I like it, keep the foot on the gas
  15. Wow what a BS TD eff you refs
  16. Forgot about Duke, what happened to him?
  17. Nice hose Josh, hahahaha......
  18. Bazooka arm, anything less and that ball and is tipped or picked
  19. How did that go to the 2 minute warning, the clock never started
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