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Big Gun

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Everything posted by Big Gun

  1. Hey dummie, this whole shitshow has gone way past impeachment or resigning or are you not smart enough to understand that!
  2. Nope, Biden and his gang should be court marshalled, found guilty and sentenced to death for treason!
  3. Just reporting 13 US troops killed and upwards of 20 injured
  4. Yup, just heard this also, Biden is done!
  5. There was, 4 Marines were killed and 3 wounded.
  6. Hmmm......that's kind of ironic coming from you as all your loser partners in crime have torn down numerous statues and renamed numerous buildings to name few. You're such a disgusting vile lying sack of *****!
  7. Reggie White comes to mind
  8. Youre a sad excuse of a person who thinks you everything and will be the first to tell everyone yet you know nothing. The second part, Biden does not care one bit about those Americans, his and the Democrat ideology is global population control/depopulation. Learn something dummie!
  9. Oh my, are you starting to see what Democrats and liberals have done to our once great country? This is what you get with these liberal losers, they dont care about anybody or anything but themselves and staying in power, they lie lie lie lie lie to get your vote to stay in power. Glad your starting to see them for who they are, they are not good people!
  10. Hahaha, you're kind of dumb aren't you to believe this!
  11. Maybe Biden and his crew should stop shipping illegal covid positive aliens to Florida and other Red states! https://floridianpress.com/2021/03/border-patrol-sending-busloads-of-illegal-immigrants-to-florida/
  12. Hahaha, what a joke, the mask theater is old, fake and doesn't work, enjoy your graphene oxide, I know you will vaxers!
  13. Nah, I'll continue to go with the numbers that say even by chance if you contract covid there is over a 99% recoverable rate. Not to mention all the Dr reports that dont support the shot. I'm good, I'll do me you do you!
  14. Wrong! Look in the mirror stupid liberal!
  15. Not sticking up for the guy and if true he should be prosecuted to the fullest but to rub a "burning lotion" on the ones skin then rub his junk on it seems a bit odd as one would think someone would try and avoid getting "burning lotion" on their junk. Who knows as people are weird.
  16. Hahahaha........ok! that's comical, because you so smaht!
  17. Why do people need to come out? They need to just live their lives and do what they do and if people find out then people find out, who cares.
  18. Hahaha.........you're so dumb it's comical. I will never get the vaccine for something that is over 99% survivable! Good luck to all you pro vacciners you're going to need it going forward.
  19. Nope, i'll pass and let you guinea pigs go first! I equally have no patience for you idiots keep pushing others to get vaccinated, you got vaccinated, your safe so move on don't worry about me, i'll do me and you do you, got it!
  20. Is it though......or is it foolish to get the vaccine https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/06/14/covid-19-vaccine-mistake.aspx?ui=fd42e0aeaf0952c2d51b3c37963fcf2483b104181c8c484a4809617d1b1e6010&sd=19000101&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20210614_HL2&mid=DM910315&rid=1183362846&p4=20201023&p5=
  21. Nope, they are hell bent on vaccinating anyone and everyone for something that has a 98% survivability rate, why? There sure seems to be an ulterior motive they are not telling anyone about, hmmmm Bill Gates is on record as saying he believes the Earth is overpopulated and thus needs some form of population control or depopulation. Strange times indeed and IMO will become stranger before the end of the year.
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