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Big Gun

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Everything posted by Big Gun

  1. What, no! Why! This is dumb!
  2. I guess 10-6 and the playoffs is still at the kiddie table huh? Does the rest of the league eat off the floor? Geez!
  3. Interesting company Dr Fauci keeps. Equally interesting that Dr Fauci seemed to have friends in Wuhan. https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/04/26/giuliani-fauci-gave-3-7-million-to-wuhan-laboratory-in-2014/ Haven't been a fan of Fauci from day 1 when all this covid 19 stuff started.
  4. I hear you but it's hard to understand peoples mindset that think he is doing a good job. Cuomo also mandated nursing homes take in covid 19 positive people, so maybe there is hope the old folks remember that and don't vote for him.
  5. Wasn't the whole point of the restrictions per Cuomo to flatten the curve and not overwhelm the hospitals? That has happened on both accounts, and can be argued here in WNY that the hospitals were never overwhelmed. Instead of opening things up, he mandates masks, yeah Cuomos going to have a hard time being reelected IMO. Guy is a clown!
  6. Governors need to open their economies, if a business owner isn't comfortable with the current state of events they do not need to open. Civilians do not need to leave their house or leave their house without a mask if they so choose not to. It's all about freedom of choice, but keeping everything locked down is hurting more than it's helping and the numbers back that up.
  7. https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/494034-the-data-are-in-stop-the-panic-and-end-the-total-isolation?fbclid=IwAR1QZwk5d5RsZ4ooP2d3modQ08mp5VdUvc-kqzf3JQJislDL982E80GFsA0
  8. My hope is Fromm comes in shows well as a backup/preseason for a couple years and the Bills can peddle him off for a high draft pick, ala Jimmy G. to San Francisco.
  9. What is this obsession with bringing back former players, it's so annoying!
  10. What a horribly poor written article. FWIW, that is the first article I have read NOT praising hydroxychloroquines results. Color me skeptical about this study!
  11. Hahaha..... oh i'm going to spread that about Cuomo......hahahaha......
  12. You and every other idiot liberal are too stupid for your own good, it's no wonder you want big government to think for you and protect you!
  13. In fact here are some facts that you left wing loons keep trying to ignore but they're the facts just the same. After POTUS Trump in January declared a “humanitarian and security crisis" during a primetime Oval Office address, Sen. Chuck Schumer, speaking beside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said Trump was working to “manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration." Party leader Tom Perez also called it “manufactured.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., described it as a "'crisis' that doesn't exist." Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted at the time that "we're not falling" for the "fake crisis." Jan 14 - the WHO (World Health Organization) sent out a tweet declaring that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Jan 24 - Dr. Anthony Fauci National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director said - “ Covid 19 It isn't something the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about, because we have ways of preparing and for the screening of it. It's a very, very low risk to the United States, but it's something that we as public health officials need to take very seriously," On January 29, 2020 Joe Biden in a speech in Iowa said that Trump's idea of restricting travel from China was "Xenophobic". January 30, WHO calls corona virus a healthcare emergency. February 2 - New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot, “The risk to New Yorkers for Coronavirus is low and our preparedness as a city is very high. There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take the bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant, and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday. I’m going to be there.” February 4, 2020 POTUS Trump once again alerts the country of the coronavirus in his State of the Union Address. Nancy Pelosi rips up the transcript of his Address. February 24, 2020 Nancy Pelosi says from San Francisco's China Town to come visit, it's safe and "there are no Coronavirus concerns". Then SF became one of the epicenters of the disease. Bill DiBlasio 03/2/20 “ I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives. Get out on the town despite Coronavirus On March 9, 2020 Bernie Sanders said he would NOT, I repeat he said he would NOT shut down travel. March 20, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow (as well as NY Times) bash Trump for talking about Hydroxycloroquine calling it a "fairy tale" and giving people false hope. Now it is being sought after to fight the disease and is being tested as helping patients recover faster. January 24, 2020, Joe Scarborough and wife Minka had a segment where they said "no Americans need to be concerned about COVID-19 and should be more concerned about the common flu. March 30, 2020 Morning Joe anchors say "everyone saw this coming in early January. Everything mentioned here is true and easily verified. The Liberal leaders and media have not been accurate about ANYTHING about COVID-19 and Trump has been way ahead of them. Trump nailed this one and the press does everything to blame him? Don't let the media rewrite facts. Liberals and the media on January 28th were talking about the final vote of the impeachment hearing while Trump was sounding the alarm. They all said he was trying to distract us....well guess what, he was right. Facts Matter.
  14. Dems are already going to have a bad time.
  15. I voted 15 as it's a stupid argument. 2 pts is what it is and will never change, there is no reason for it to change, why discuss it!
  16. Making a twitter comeback maybe
  17. Don't like the ATL above the numbers.
  18. As they shouldn't be, good!
  19. Remember the days where people wanted to start Barkley over Allen, good times, good times!
  20. Pelosi has got to go! https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/02/democrats-create-select-committee-to-investigate-trumps-coronavirus-response/
  21. Tyrod will be benched by week 4, if not, both him and Lynn will be gone by their bye week. The league knows what Tyrod is all about, he's not beating anybody.
  22. Deaths Tested Positives Hospitalized ICU Patients 784 155,934 53,487 7,328 1,755 So in order to be tested you have to be sick showing enough symptoms, right? They don't want to waste tests on healthy non symptom showing people. 53k positive tests out of 155k tests taken, so that means 102k who are sick but not coronavirus sick. So of those 102K sick people what are they sick with? Flu seems to be the most theorized, why no reporting on 102k sick people of other sickness? Only the media scare tactics and hype about coronavirus! The CDC estimated there were over 60.8 million cases of H1N1 worldwide 2009-2010 and up to 18k deaths in the USA during Obamas tenure, where was the outrage then? Nothing happened, business as usual, nothing shut down the media didn't instill fear and panic. This anti Trump narrative from the media has gone too far and needs to be dealt with swiftly and severely!
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