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Big Gun

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Everything posted by Big Gun

  1. The 2 off the top of my head are Coors Field in Colorado and The Molson Center in Montreal.
  2. Labatts Stadium, nickname the Keg! Git R Done TPegs!
  3. Tell us wise one, what Biden policies do you like?
  4. Yup, that is exactly what has happened in Portland, Seattle, New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Virginia, California, do I need to keep going or do you get the picture, dummie!
  5. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!
  6. I don't blame him because if he loses we know the fix was in. On policies alone, nobody, doesn't matter what side you are on can tell me you prefer what Biden is proposing. There is something wrong with you if think Biden has good ideas. The Trump hatred is out of control and why, because you believe all the media lies! Your rational, logical critical thinking is gone, why again? Even you most staunch Trump haters, who knows why, will be sorry if Biden wins. If you can't see that Trump is the better option based on policy, I don't know what to tell you!
  7. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/one-month-after-statewide-mask-mandate-california-daily-case-average https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/holdhow-covid-19-fatality-reports-are-distorting-data?utm_source=whatfinger https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2020/04/commentary-masks-all-covid-19-not-based-sound-data?fbclid=IwAR0fG3NU1mf1klmcFb2ZLAN2LZYX9puH7kjUpU2QO6u_dbYiai0tZGvtWR4 Only ignorant idiots would place any blame on Trump! How many people did Cuomo kill? Wasn't it Trump who imposed a ban on Chinese travelers in January only to be called a racist, xenophobe and other things by Joe Biden and his buddies. Wasn't Nancy Pelosi promoting Chinatown and the DeBalasio, Cuomo undynamic duo promoting subways, plays, bars and restaurants after Trumps ban. You anti Trumpers are an ignorant, lying, hypocritical bunch. How do you live with yourself, you're pathetic!
  8. Whoa.....want a mint
  9. Biden wants to somehow incorporate suburbs into city limits or something so he can tax middle class more as nobody but renters live in city propers anymore and the tax base is small and not enough. Something like that, you would have to look it up for better understanding than I can give.
  10. Cuomo has a huge budget deficit. He got people off the states teet by getting them off Medicare, NY collects a death tax and NY collects an estate transfer tax. All to help his budget deficit. There is no doubt in my mind that Cuomo did this on purpose. In time he will be held accountable and end up in prison.
  11. I don't know what is worse Liberal Democrats or BLM. Watch this interesting explination. https://videos.whatfinger.com/2020/07/15/black-lives-matter-is-a-trojan-horse-that-is-destroying-the-democrat-party/
  12. Only in America are white liberals hell bent on white people becoming the minority, WHY?
  13. He's probably getting more than he should as it is, and he wants more. Raheem Mostert Running Back Contract History Statistics Valuation Age: 28 Free Agency: 2022 (UFA) Accrued Seasons: 4 Height: 5-11 Weight: 190 College: Purdue Entry: 2015 Undrafted Free Agent (Eagles) 2020 Salary Cap Charge: $3,158,333 (1.53% of cap) 2020 Cash Payout: $2,875,000 (1.26% of spending) 2020 Cash to Cap Ratio: 0.91 Contract Value: $8,700,000 ($2,900,000 APY) Fully Guaranteed Money: $2,400,000 Contract Ranking: 24/192 at RB 2019 OTC Valuation: $3,345,000 Current Contract (RFA, signed 2019) (?: indicates contract trigger occuring during that year) Year Age Base Salary Prorated Bonus Per Game Roster Bonus Workout Bonus Guaranteed Salary Cap Number Cap % Dead Money & Cap Savings Cut (pre-June 1)Cut (post-June 1)Trade (pre-June 1)Trade (post-June 1)RestructureExtension Total $6,850,000 $1,000,000 $700,000 $150,000 $1,400,000 $8,650,000 2019 27 $1,400,000 $333,333 $200,000 $50,000 $1,400,000 $1,983,333 0.9% 2020 28 $2,575,000 $333,333 $250,000 $50,000 $0 $3,158,333 1.5% $666,667 $2,491,666 2021 29 $2,875,000 $333,334 $250,000 $50,000 $0 $3,508,334 1.6% $333,334 $3,175,000 Contract Notes Raheem Mostert signed a 3 year contract with the San Francisco 49ers on March 19, 2019. The contract is worth $8,650,000 with $2.4 million guaranteed at signing and $3 million total guarantee. The guarantee is a $1.4 million salary guarantee in 2019 and $1 million signing bonus. Mostert has $600,000 in injury guarantee for 2020 salary. Mostert can earn up to $200,000 ($12,500 per game active) roster bonus pay in 2019, up to $250,000 ($17,857 per game active) in 2020, and $250,000 ($15,625 per game active) in 2021. Mostert can a $50,000 workout bonus in each year of the contract.
  14. Yup, you just can't fix stupid! Liberals are the most ignorant people around!
  15. I think someday Reagan and Trump should be added to Mt Rushmore so people like you can get grumpy everytime you see it. That would be great!
  16. If they play the black national anthem and the same kneeling players do not kneel, it shows how racist they really are and their hatred towards whites, right. The protest is against the "national anthem", white or black or green or blue, that precedes the sporting event, it's the timing of the kneel that gets the attention, so why would they not kneel for the "black national anthem". The hypocritical players can't have it both ways!
  17. Snyder should just threaten to move the team. They'll quickly stop their BS.
  18. Hey stupid inbred mouth breather how about this hypocrisy! Scared little pussies just like you having a football player slap someone with a white lives matter sign down because you're too scared to do it yourself. Yet you want to be a big tough guy on the internet! Get lost you loser, you couldn't be any more pathetic! https://www.washingtontimes.com/multimedia/image/ap_america_protests_minneapolis_44258jpg/
  19. The singer Pink, really! Hahahaha.......
  20. Oh damn, that was beautiful.
  21. You dumb liberals have bigger fish to fry than Trumps Tulsa rally. https://www.oann.com/swing-state-fla-flipped-whopping-20-blue-counties-red/
  22. You are clearly racist!
  23. No police means no speed limit or stopping at red lights and stop signs which means I can get to where i'm going faster, but there will probably be more accidents clogging the roads up so, probably should keep the police! What a damn stupid thought process to defund the police!
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