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Big Gun

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Everything posted by Big Gun

  1. I got Marrone after a loss to Houston puts them at 1-4.
  2. IDK if Moss will start but I can see McD using the RBs kind of the same as last year except Moss will be 1000x more effective than Gore was.
  3. Glass hip Tua won't be anything more than average, just like all other Alabama QBs.
  4. I don't agree with King but McDermotts career record against teams with winning records is more concerning than Allens or Singletary problems.
  5. Democrat politicians are worthless. They don't care one bit about people, yet low IQ mouth breathing liberals seem to keep supporting and voting for them. Why? https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/09/almost-all-americas-failed-cities-are-democrat-john-perazzo/
  6. Hmmmmm........ so you are describing Biden, got it!
  7. Sure as hell isnt because of Trump. The leftest babies still cant acknowledge Hillary lost and this is how they act out. Bravo, losers!
  8. Not sure where to put this but the Hodge Twins are good.
  9. Sure does, idiot boy had a gun in hand himself. What would you do if being attacked by 4 or 5 guys? Start crying and suck your thumb in the fetal position hoping the cops, who you want defunded show up and save you. Get lost you loser!
  10. The other idiot shot in the arm is Gaige Grosskreutz. He a felon for burglary and weapon possession.
  11. Tolerance, really, does tolerance every cross a liberals mind when it comes to someone who has a differing opinion or someone on the right? Your hypocrisy is incredible!
  12. Blake admitted he had a knife on the driver side floor.
  13. Hahaha, you're an ignorant joke!
  14. Yes, they hate the police, they hate white people, they hate USA history, hate all things republican, hate the National Anthem, hate the American Flag, they hate rules and laws, they hate rich people, etc.
  15. This is interesting, haven't like fraud Fauci from day 1. https://www.thedailyfodder.com/2020/08/dr-fauci-received-money-from-one-man.html
  16. Good, I hope he steals every state and beats Biden by 50 million votes and wins the electoral collage by 300 votes and gets 4 more years and DiSantis or Trump JR steal the 2024 election and so on just to hear you pathetically cry every day! Hahahaha............
  17. Convince and educate me that Joe Biden is the better option, i'm all ears. No Trump bashing, just tell me why Joe is better.
  18. You forgot the Clinton Foundation, Obamas foundation, BLM, those are just off the top of my head and I know there is more. Oh yeah, I forgot Roger Godell and the non for profit NFL, yup them too.
  19. The Vox, really! Hahahaha........the Vox? hahaha........that's funny!
  20. WTF...........this guy is a creep.
  21. Just playing your game better, win the WH by any methods necessary so Donald Trump remains the president.
  22. No, no they won't! Good, hope he does. Without a doubt the worst thing that could ever happen to the USA would be Joe Biden winning in Nov.
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