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Big Gun

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Everything posted by Big Gun

  1. I, 2nd that! That game was one the most exciting NFL games ever not just the most exciting Bills games ever, for me.
  2. Why does he need a nickname?
  3. I do not ever think the NFL is going to expand outside the USA. Sure they can talk all they want about it, but when it comes down to it, I don't ever think it's going to happen. IMO the Bills in Toronto over the past few years proved it would not be a good thing to pursue a franchise there for various reasons.
  4. I don't think the Bills are going anywhere. Take LA out of the equation and for all the talk, the NFL isn't ever expanding out of the country. Teams outside of the USA would never be able to attract free agents, so this talk of expanding outside of the USA is bunk if you ask me. For the Bills moving, where are they going to go? Just about every city/market bigger or equal to Buffalo/WNY already has a team. If you think about it, there really isn't any cities to go to. Portland? don't really see it, Salt Lake? no way. Columbus? 3 Ohio teams, no, Las Vegas? never, San Antonio? maybe but I doubt it, Anchorage or Honolulu, no again. There isn't anywhere to move them. IMO I don't think they are moving anytime soon.
  5. Whether or not Watkins pans out is TBD. This whole thing reminds me of when they drafted Spiller already having Fred and Marshawn on the team. That pick was questioned as is this one I think. Woods and Goodwin were drafted last year, Stevie was here, TJ is here and so is Mike Williams. That said I'm not sure EJ is the QB to be able to get Watkins the ball consistently enough for him to get 1000 yards and 10+ TDs. I don't ever see EJ as more than a 3000 yard 20 TD guy, and that is in his best year. I dunno, as Berman says "that's why they play the games".
  6. Right, because Syracuse people are willing to travel 115 miles from Syracuse to Batavia but unwilling to travel from Syracuse to Buffalo or Niagara Falls and the extra 40-50 miles that would be. Why don't I believe that. I don't really see Batavia as a stadium option.
  7. And who are you to tell me to be tolerant of his life style? I'm all for the human race surviving, being gay doesn't allow for that to happen. There is a reason we all have reproductive parts, figure it out!
  8. So everyone is a hater that doesn't approve of his life style? Whatever!
  9. Disagree. Kap is a run first kind of guy. To me he doesnt seem to see the field as well as some of the better QBs in the league.
  10. This might be true but not everybody from Rochester would travel the NYS thruway to a Niagara falls stadium. Route 104 and Route 31 are also very good options when traveling to N Falls with 104 being better. As for the stadium site itself, I personally think a retractable dome in N Falls site would make the most sense. Regardless of what us local people think, N Falls is still an attraction all by itself. A new stadium there could also maybe attract, NCAA final four, College kick off game or Major bowl game, Super Bowl some day, concerts, monster trucks, whatever other entertainment stadiums have, etc. Anything that goes on in there and has tickets sold will help WNY and southern Ontario financially. There are lots of hotel rooms, restaurants, casinos, attractions, etc. I really see this as a win/win for WNY. Unfortunately I just don't see a stadium being used as frequently if it is built anywhere else.
  11. Not sure I would want Golisano. I think he just sees $$$ in selling the team in 5 years. Not sure he would be all that interested if they were to win or not, as long as they turned a profit. He didn't care if the Sabres won, he cared that they were out of the red and sold for more than he bought them for. $$$ was all he cared about. In the end I don't think Sabre management were given the tools to succeed. I don't think he would be any different with the Bills.
  12. This I agree with, but I couldn't care how long they grow their hair. Also as far as the black guys having the long dreads or whatever they call it, with the black visor, I can't help but think they are trying to look like Predator from the movies.
  13. Woohoo way to go Andre, long long long time coming.
  14. IMO, they should move back the xtra point to the 33 yard line to make it a 50 yard kick. Very makeable but not automatic at all. Then because of that, coaches may feel going for a 2 point conversion is easier, so move the 2 point conversion back to the 5 or 10 yard line. Also I think the rosters should only be allowed to have 1 kicker on the team. A guy may have a great FG/KO leg but isn't to good a punter or vice versa. Would be more interesting that's for sure.
  15. True, but they (Hou, Stl) may be interested in trading their #1 for Byrd. Hmmm.... Buffalo with 2 top 10 picks would be interesting.
  16. I'm guessing you have absolutely no idea how bad that Syracuse program was when Marrone took it over. If you did, I think you would have a differing opinion.
  17. What fer? He was given a very very good super bowl contender Shottenheimer team and turned them into a non playoff team. No thanks.
  18. Goes to show you that nobody really knows anything and everything is purely speculation.
  19. Good move by Tampa. I think Lovie is a quality coach.
  20. I did say that a couple posts up, and I also believe that Marrone and Co. felt EJs ceiling was higher but think nassib might have been a better short term option since he was familiar with Hacketts offense, and since Marrones window is about 3 years maybe Nassib should have been the QB the Bills took.
  21. Kinda like EJ Manual, Right? ...and no the learning curve wouldn't have been nearly as difficult for Nassib in Hacketts offense compared to difficulties we seen from EJ in Hacketts offense. My opinion of course.
  22. I think Nassib would have had more success this year than did EJ. Nassib knew Marrones/Hacketts offense so there would not have been any learning curve at all. Remember when Marrone said they had to scale back the playbook for EJ. Wouldn't have happened with Nassib. As far as long term, EJ probably seemed, in their opinions, to have the higher ceiling than did Nassib, and that is my bet on why he was chosen. As for Nassib not playing this year, did anybody think a 4th rounder was really going to unseat a 30 year old 2 time superbowl champion. No way. And just as EJ struggled here to learn a new offense, my bet is Nassib went through the same struggles trying to learn a new offense in NY. Also if the Bills had a legit playoff caliber QB in place, EJ doesn't ever see the field this year like Nassib didn't. Point is moot about Nassib not seeing playing time.
  23. Assuming he can't win, already making excuses for 2014, and already trying to save his job for 2015. Really? Assumptions and knee jerk reactions are not the answer.
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