Are you really this argumentative and ignorant about everything? What are you EJs father or something? What does the guy do that you like? Is it the accuracy issues? The happy feet? I know, the poor throwing mechanics? The panic he shows in the pocket? Poor pocket presence? Poor decisions? Lack of field vision? Locking onto his first read? Have yet to see him look off a safety or linebacker? Were you a fan of Trent Edwards? This guy so far is proving to be a carbon copy. The guy has some major flaws, one maybe two could be excused as young and will get better, but he has so many deficiencies that it seems very difficult to over come all of them and be a productive QB.
If Woods, Watkins, Williams were asked who they would prefer to be throwing them the football right now and honestly answered, I think they would pick Fitz 10 out of 10 times. Your crusaded love affair with Saint EJ is getting old.