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Big Gun

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Everything posted by Big Gun

  1. IMO, Polian already knew everything there was to know about both Orton and Manuel before Marrone alledgedly said something. Polian is no dummy, no doubt he would not have signed up for that kind of position without know everything.
  2. He called TPegs in the Sabres board.
  3. Don't think Whaley drafted Spiller.
  4. Do you hate the players when they hold out or ask for more money 2 years into a 4 year deal? Players do it all the time, yet fans always seem to side with the players by saying "pay the man, he had a good year" If this is what happened, how is it any different. Because it was Marrone and he seemed to rub people the wrong way it's way worse than when players do it? Everybody got what they wanted now, everyone will be happy until the Bills hit the basement next year, again!
  5. Yep, I hear ya! People got what they wanted. The perpetual 6-10 season here we come, AGAIN!
  6. I always thought the draft was Darcys strong suit. He struck me more as a top scout/draft nic/better talent evaluater than he ever did a full fledged GM.
  7. Yep, no wonder why this organization is a joke. Run best QB and coach that have been here in years out of town on a rail. Welp, everybody got what they wanted. Back to the basement we go, and then get to hear the same whiners complain all over again. Yay!!!
  8. I hear what you are saying, but history says other wise on HC that have been away from the sideline for extended amount of years. I would also say that some of those guys were every bit as good as Cowher if not better, and when they came back they failed miserably. The game changes and evolves quickly, it is surely no slam dunk that Cowher would be any good if he were to be patrolling the sidelines at the Ralph next year.
  9. Marrone absolutely had his faults, but the grass isn't always greener. Stay tuned.
  10. That's true, helping Pepper would be the only hands on stuff he should help out.
  11. I don't like Schwartz as head coach but if they did that I would hope he hires a top flight OC and promotes Pepper Johnson and is hands off, just sits back and navigates the ship.
  12. Don't understand why everybody is infatuated with these old retread or old retired coaches. Isn't it still true that NO head coach has ever won a Super Bowl with 2 different teams? And only a small handful have ever even taken a second team to the Super Bowl? It scares the beejeezus out of me when there seems to be interest in the old retired guard. That hasn't worked well in the past with the likes of Shanahan, Gibbs, Parcells, Levy as GM etc. The game evolves and changes and the longer these guys are out of the loop, the more it affects them and their relearning curve is larger if and when they come back.
  13. If it was a power struggle like some have said. I liked Marrone but I like Whaley better. I think he did a good job but if one had to go I rather it was Marrone.
  14. Honestly, I think he would do worse because the up tempo Kelly runs requires extremely fast decision making pre snap and within 1 or 2 seconds of the snap.
  15. Yeah, I hear ya, but Whaley has to do something.
  16. In 9 games Sanchez had 15 TDs(1 rushing), 11 ints, and 3 lost fumbles. In 8 games Foles had 13 TDs 10 ints and 3 lost fumbles. Maybe i'm missing something but it doesn't appear that Sanchez was worse as you say. Look, i'm not saying I want Sanchez on the Bills, i'm saying there wasn't a drop off if any from how Foles was performing to what Sanchez did this year. Maybe the Eagles agree with that and resign Sanchez and dangle Foles for trade, as they also have Matt Barkley waiting in the wings. If so, I hope Whaley jumps all over that. Wishful thinking.
  17. That was the team and they still finished 10-6. Stats wise Sanchez performed ever so slightly better than did Foles this year.
  18. Hopefully Whaley talks to the Eagles. Sanchez is a FA, Foles is only signed through 2015 and they just drafted Matt Barkley in 2013. Maybe they can sign Sanchez and have Barkley be his back up and that might free up a trade for Foles. Don't know if something like that would happen, but I could see it happening. We had heard earlier in the year that Kelly wasn't enamored with Foles. I think Foles would work here more so than him going forward in Philly. Philly didn't lose anything at the QB when Foles went down and Sanchez stepped in. Hmmmm.....you never know.
  19. True, but everybody is tradeable for the right price. That said I don't think they would consider it unless they could guarantee themselves they would be able to get either Winston or Mariotta. either one of them fits Kellys offense better than Foles. You never know, lets hope Whaley is a shrewd and ruthless businessman and hopefully gets a good QB.
  20. I would rather they try and trade for Nick Foles. I think Foles would be awsome in a Bills uniform. I don't think he is a good fit in Kellys scheme.
  21. This^^, one of the many WGR know nothing hacks.
  22. Why, going to bother you til the day you die? Supply and demand, figure it out!
  23. I don't know if Whaley is going to spend "a lot" of money, but if somebody has something Whaley wants, then Whaley pays what ever the other GM wants, if he wants to get it. That said, other GMs knowing the Bills QB situation, they may increase their rates to Whaley opposed to someone else who is less desperate. It's all good.
  24. OMG, I know that, I was just running with the get Foles post. Geez!
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