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Big Gun

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Everything posted by Big Gun

  1. You idiots are so misinformed, can't wait to see you cry and snivel like the baby you are.
  2. Shut you idiot, after 4 years of kicking and screaming like babies you have the nerve to say this! How you going to act when you find out Biden doesn't win the election!
  3. Not going to be great anymore if Biden gets in. What's it like being so stupid to blindly believe the lies they spew daily, you're a sad weak person.
  4. Wont take long til you and your fellow clown friend regret the idiotic decisions you made should Biden actually become prez.
  5. Accept what, a stolen election im not accepting anything, kind of like you idiots the past 4 years. I'll be part of the resistance, sound familiar! So shut up ignorant clown!
  6. Really, nah not at all is there! Good lord you're dumb or just a tad bit nervous, I suspect both!
  7. Hahaha.....conspiracy, really! ROTFLMAO Democrats are the ones who are cheating and you call Republicans conspiracy theorists for pointing that out with proof! You are pathetic and sad!
  8. https://generaldispatch.whatfinger.com/you-gotta-admire-these-voters-in-philly-so-committed-that-they-requested-ballots-on-the-day-they-were-born-98-years-ago-and-kudos-to-philly-government-for-getting-them-a-ballot-on-the-same-day/ https://generaldispatch.whatfinger.com/the-supreme-court-order-that-has-media-and-biden-upset-trump-leads-in-pa-with-all-legal-votes/
  9. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/30-states-computer-system-known-be-defective-tallying-votes
  10. Boy are you and your loser left wing friends gonna all kinds of butt hurt when Trump retains the White House. Will you accept defeat graciously as you want others to do! or you going to have another 4 year tantrum?
  11. You idiots are a lost cause. A Biden world will be soooooo much fun, won't it. His policies are so good aren't they, that's why you voted for him right! I give it 6 months and you idiots will be regretting making him president.
  12. NC is in there also, 5 swing states with Dem govs, NY, Cali etc Dem strong holds didnt need to cheat, get it now! Please tell my you're not that dumb!
  13. I guess you and your friends are going to be real disappointed when 10's of thousands of Biden votes are deemed illegal and Trump goes back to the WH!
  14. Only if you believe there was no ballot fraud in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, etc The fraud is so vast, it will be exposed and Biden will not be in the WH
  15. Hmmm..... Hahaha........please do ignore me, please!
  16. C'mon Milwaukee don't make it so obvious next time. Dems are so stupid at everything! https://creativedestructionmedia.com/investigations/2020/11/05/milwaukee-the-202-biden-vote-was-just-the-beginning/
  17. It's everywhere idiot, open you damn eyes! You're too stupid to not keep watching and believing left wing media!
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