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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. So that means it is mutating to be more contagious and virulent, and by nature should burn itself out naturally through herd immunity eventually? If it is this contagious we should reach 70% community exposure pretty quickly no? I am just amazed at the fact that it is mutating to be more contagious and virulent at the same time. Everything I have read about viruses is that when they mutate they pick up either one attribute or the other, not both. And that when they run into a lack of hosts, they mutate to be more contagious and less virulent, not both.
  2. Originally saw this in Epoch Times, didn't post the link because of the paywall. Here is an excerpt: The CCP Virus has mutated, and the new strain now spreading in Beijing is allegedly more infectious and more deadly than the previous strain. This is according to data released by China’s CDC, which posted three sets of virus sequences, all of which carry the mutation known as D614G. According to Caixin, previous research has shown the mutation could make the virus twice as contagious, and that it may make the virus more deadly as well. Similar claims are being made by researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in Florida. CNN reported the researchers “believe they have shown that the new coronavirus has mutated in a way that makes it more easily infect human cells.” Scripps Research virologist Hyeryun Choe said in a statement, “Viruses with this mutation were much more infectious than those without the mutation in the cell culture system we used.” Here is a link to a variation of the article, although it does not mention the China connection... https://www.wdbj7.com/2020/06/22/mutation-may-make-coronavirus-more-infectious/
  3. I am an honest person, and honest people give credit where credit is due.
  4. You know what, I know you are a paid sock puppet in a cubicle in some undisclosed location trying to influence message boards that lean right, but I have to admit that was an interesting read. I am just fascinated with history, so you hit my blindside.
  5. Exactly. He is in cognitive decline, and cannot last more than 20 minutes delivering a prepared speech in a tightly controlled environment, forget about a 2 hour rally in front of thousands of people. Could he even draw a crowd of a thousand?
  6. How many showed up to the latest Biden rally?
  7. An interesting perspective https://nypost.com/2020/06/20/muhammad-alis-son-says-he-wouldve-hated-black-lives-matters/
  8. Lost me when I got to the underlined blue above. I have to admit, you had me reeled in for a second. I think it is pointless to get educated on a topic such as this by rich white liberals who have enjoyed such a pampered life when there so many black people to talk to in this country and get the facts organically.
  9. If the left received the same amount of criticism as conservatives, my opinion would be totally different. I am just decrying the double standard is all.
  10. OANN is definitely a right wing flamethrower, as much as MSNBC and CNN are left wing bomb throwers
  11. That would be different, he was at the workplace in this instance. That would be sexual harassment, or creating a hostile work environment. I would be against that as well.
  12. Love you guys, great debate. I am going to rack up see you all tomorrow!?
  13. You do understand that the right/left political spectrum is different in Europe than in the US right?
  14. I am married to a black women. Have been for 10 years now. And you are absolutely right, it has been an eye opening experience in my life, for the better I might add. Changed ALOT of my viewpoints. Exposed alot of my flaws. Made me better as a man. Much more open minded. No. All rioters are wrong, no matter the side.
  15. Does Antifa have the best interests of our country in mind when they infiltrate BLM protests and turn them into full blown race riots?
  16. Critical thought involves being open to differing views on major subjects. Do you think we should just take the narrative of BLM as gospel, or analyze it critically?
  17. Do you see people lining up to destroy Hollywood celebrities over wearing Che t shirts? How about mayors of cities that honeymoon in Cuba during the cold war?
  18. Freedom of speech and the double standard where Gungy gets treated one way wearing an OAN t shirt on a private fishing trip, and imagine if this would have been a deal at all if that were a CNN t shirt...
  19. I do agree with alot of what you say, honestly, but you are missing the big picture. Everytime a conservative expresses his opinion, no matter how subtly, he faces immense blowback from corporate and left wing media. It is like a firestorm. Boycotting, censorship, and alot of times people losing their jobs. You almost never see that with left wing individuals expressing themselves. If this is how it is going to be going forward, we are on the precipice of the end of free speech.
  20. This is a case study in how the far left does not support free speech. He is a private citizen. He should be able to wear an OAN tee just as much as he should be able to wear an MSNBC or CNN or Young Turks tee without blowback. Conservatives ARE aligned with black families much more so than you would think. They oppose abortion, go to church more so than leftists by a large margin, are pro nuclear family, etc. The only reason this is an issue is that there is a quasi modo French Revolution going on right now, where ANYBODY that steps out of line with the Antifa narrative is destroyed. Conservatives need to screw on their gonads and pull on their big boy pants, this is a war not a skirmish. Does the orange man destroy the antifa insurgents who took over 6 city blocks in Seattle, all the Karen's who chastise people who wont wear a mask outside in open air 20 ft away from anybody, etc. This whole culture war is scary, man. We should be able to have our own views and EXPRESS THEM without fear of losing our livlihoods...
  21. If he wore a BLM t-shirt, or a Biden 2020 ball cap, would the blowback be the same??
  22. This should be the headline and lead story in every news outlet nationwide. Very well written, yet heartbreaking article. https://www.propublica.org/article/fire-through-dry-grass-andrew-cuomo-saw-covid-19-threat-to-nursing-homes-then-he-risked-adding-to-it/amp?__twitter_impression=true
  23. Rick Scott Op-Ed in NYPost. Good Read https://nypost.com/2020/06/11/andrew-cuomos-sad-bid-to-blame-florida-for-new-yorks-mismanagement/
  24. Actually here Albany Med is the powerhouse of healthcare in the Capital District. They are normally at 95-99% capacity, according to the director. To turn a profit, they need to be at 98%. They are openly disregarding Sugar Nipple's edict that hospitals be at 70% of capacity to reopen.
  25. The title of this thread almost caused me to spit my coffee out on to my keyboard. Changing the name of this thread has to be the most productive activity Warren Zevon has properly executed since he landed here. BRAVO!
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