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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. This sucks, I was really hoping for continuity on the D side of the ball...
  2. Watched three times now, CANNOT GET ENOUGH!
  3. I remember someone declaring as an eligible receiver right before that play...
  4. What a bunch of spoiled, petulant babies So I'm supposed to be OK with losing to Nick Freaking Foles and the City of Savages??!! 15-4 is not ok. We play for Super Bowls here.
  5. https://www.boston.com/sports/nfl/2018/02/05/matt-patricia-patriots-detroit-lions-head-coach Statement on his hiring:
  6. I cannot respect fans that punch police horses and eat $h!t.
  7. Trump has great taste in women. God Bless America #DRAINTHESWAMP ?
  8. Lots of reasons. I cannot because my eyes are dry to begin with, and LASIK will make it worse. Some people just don't want their eyes cut with a laser scalpel.
  9. Do you think he is better than either QB on our roster or on the market for that matter?
  10. Seriously? I am not being sarcastic, is he really?
  11. They couldn't get together on a long term deal. Term being the key word. He felt "disrespected" and "undervalued" by the front office.
  12. You mean Hauschka? If so yes, he was lights out but we didn't get a lot of help in the return game...
  13. Agreed. The Bills with Tyrod @ the helm were 21st in the league in scoring with a paltry 18.9 ppg. With that kind of putrid performance this playoff berth can mostly be attributed to the performance of our defense and an outstanding coaching job by the staff.
  14. This memo is only the tip of the iceberg. I see another 2-3 major releases between now and October, and A LOT of subpoenas and arrest warrants. I simply cannot bring myself to believe this is all they have...
  15. Agreed. We are in win now mode regardless of whether we draft a rookie or not. I see us snagging a Bradford or Foles if we take a rookie. Derek Anderson is a journeyman backup, we would be better off sticking with Tyrod. At least we know what we have with him, he commands respect in the locker room and already is familiar with our personnel.
  16. Stay Calm And Chive On I am waiting till after the Super Bowl for the real action
  17. https://www.google.com/maps/place/1958+950+E,+Provo,+UT+84606/@40.2068186,-111.6422746,3a,75y,260.82h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sy2UCRUkUBgIXieEMozf7VA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x874d97732ef6ae03:0x7d4ec38b4903c711!8m2!3d40.2067457!4d-111.6429007 Looks like a commercial building of some sort. Some strange dudes posting while at work?
  18. Who is "NFL Chatter"? Have they broke anything before? Who are their "Sources"?
  19. Same here, however I feel like the cream you use and the aftershave lotion is key and more important than the blade. I use Cremo shave cream and Dove For Men aftershave balm. I am all set now.
  20. You mean besides making the playoffs for the first time in 18 years LOL?
  21. Any serious football fan should read that book, no excuses it is an easy read like 2 hours...
  22. https://www.milehighreport.com/2010/11/27/1838850/denver-broncos-josh-mcdaniels-fined-50000-for-spygate-ii-incident http://bleacherreport.com/articles/529119-spygate-ii-there-is-a-bigger-link-between-the-patriots-broncos-and-mcdaniels https://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/josh-mcdaniels-spygate-2-denver-broncos-112910 Quote:The hilarious part of this story is that 49ers coach Mike Singletary, whose coaching has been questioned on a lot of levels this season, was smart enough to run nothing but insignificant or dummy plays during this six-minute walk-through. Why? Because he didn’t trust McDaniels. He had a suspicion that he was a cheater. Yes, guilt by association.
  23. I agree, although he claims it will not be a "farm league" for the NFL, I feel like this is what it will turn into... Season will be 10 weeks and start sometime in January. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/22213241/vince-mcmahon-gimmick-free-xfl-return-2020
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