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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. Bad move, they may as well keep Tyrod if they wanna go down that road
  2. I have to agree with you on this. Read this article. The Jets may be freaking INSANE! https://nypost.com/2018/02/19/60m-in-1st-year-jets-set-to-creatively-pounce-on-kirk-cousins/
  3. New Orleans: Drew Brees and Luke Falk. I can’t see Brees, 39, going elsewhere. I see him playing out his last two or three years (or more) with Sean Payton, particularly with the Saints being on the cusp of another competitive run. Falk? Precision passer (69, 70, 67 percent accurate in his last three years at Washington State) who could use some development. You know who wouldn’t surprise me here? Tyrod Taylor. I think Payton could do very good things with him. By the way, I hear Payton loves Mayfield too. Hard to imagine, though, that Payton and GM Mickey Loomis could move up high enough from their first-round slot (27th overall) to get in position to get Mayfield. I also could see Taylor swallowing his pride and take a backup job to work in that system...
  4. I wish the NFL would force the Patricheats to vacate some wins from spygate...
  5. Good read https://lawandcrime.com/opinion/does-mueller-indictment-mean-clinton-campaign-can-be-indicted-for-chris-steele/
  6. Maybe not a new law, more like administrative housekeeping in the DOJ/ATF/FBI or some other alphabet agencies. Bottom line is this: When it comes to firearms laws and sales, something as simple as this should never happen. People are dying. KIDS are dying. OUR KIDS. AMERICAN KIDS. If this keeps happening, not only will more blood be shed needlessly, eventually we will not have a 2nd Amendment to exercise and argue about on internet forums
  7. Exactly. This seems to be a recurring theme. We need to find some way to tighten it up.
  8. This kid spent a year in a mental health treatment program. On the ATF background check form, all he had to do was check a box saying he had not been institutionalized. Not good enough. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5398097/Florida-school-shooter-bought-AK-47-month-ago.html Apparently it does.
  9. Flagging someone who has been institutionalized in a mental hospital for over a year on a background check.
  10. I just love watching the Patricheats lose over and over and over...
  11. I suppose if you look at it from that angle
  12. No, that was a state of total war. The Nazis invaded their country and overthrew their government. This is Marxist Democrats trying to subvert a duly elected government. Cannot even compare the two.
  13. This goes way beyond political differences, this is terrorism.
  14. They are such loyal dogs. Their howl may not be for everyone, but if that is not an issue they are terrific companions!
  15. Super loud though. Labs are awesome, but inbred so much (due to popularity) they are apt to have health issues which shorten life span. Newfoundlands are an absolutely superb alternative. They are the "Gentle Giants" of the dog world.
  16. Cuck0ld News Network working for Comey?
  17. HA! I see what you did there!??
  18. All they have to do is call a proportionate number of registered republican voters. There problem solved.
  19. Are you serious? Have you not watched the news in the last week? Look at the demographics of the poll. Democrats out-sampled Republicans 33%-26%. Strong Democrat and Democrat leaning Independents out sampled Strong Republicans and Republican Leaning Independent 41%-31%. Hardly an objective poll... http://maristpoll.marist.edu/wp-content/misc/usapolls/us180205/Marist Poll_National Nature of the Sample and Tables_February 2018.pdf#page=2
  20. "Brady looks like a single white mother walking out of the courthouse after winning custody of her kids"
  21. Foles is staying in Philly, locked up on cheap for one more year and Wentz won't start because of injury rehab.
  22. Why overpay for a vet backup (consider the QB market right now) when you already have a dynamite, proven QB already on the roster that already knows the offense, that just won you a super bowl on the cheap? Philly fans would burn the city to the ground if that happened, IMHO
  23. Foles will stay in Philly, Wentz may not start and Foles is under contract for another year
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