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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. How are they not? Please explain.
  2. Remember when the communist party USA endorsed the Democrat Party?
  3. Two wrongs do not make a right. I swore an oath to defend this country, and it doesnt matter if it is a Democrat or Republican or Independent or Green party president I will defend him or her to my dying breath. And how has he outright lied? It seems every major "outrageous" claim he has made has come true. "Wiretapping?"
  4. How so? And how am I an @$$hole? Because I disagreed with the man's post? Because I am a conservative?
  5. President Obama wasn't rude to foreign dignitaries? He made the prime minister of Israel leave out the back door and walk past heaps of garbage bags! (It may have been his first visit to the white house.) How was he qualified for the job of president? He was a college professor and no show senator! He wasn't the most hated, but he definitely was very polarizing, just like President Trump! Oh and P.S. you are DELUSIONAL if you think President Obama wasn't an attention whore. Or not paying attention for 8 years. Coin toss.
  6. First the losers @ the Buffalo News, now this @$$hhole LOL
  7. It is about respect for the institution of the presidency. Liken it to someone handing you a payoff check for your mortgage and you slapping it away because you knew he were a dolphins fan. Totally over the top derangement...
  8. Refusing the invite is disrespectful to the institution of the Presidency. They can, it is their right. But damn if it does not make them look bad. Very immature, more so than the person they disagree with.
  9. I agree with you on the last part, he definitely crossed the line
  10. Agreed, they can all stay home, play with their fidget spinners and smell their own farts while commending each other on how progressive they are
  11. If true then shame on them. Just lost ALL respect for the team and organization
  12. I voted against him twice, and lost so called "friends" because of my vocal opposition to his policies. But if I were in a situation where the only way to save the @$$hhole were to take a bullet for him, I would do my duty as a cav trooper and take it like a champ. Just the right thing to do as an American, especially as a soldier.
  13. STRONG. He is acting like a BOSS!? So sick of spoiled petulant brats masquerading as role models for our youth throwing hissy fits just to get attention. Getting invited to the White House is one of the greatest honors for an American. I didn't agree when Tim Thomas pulled this stunt, and I don't approve now. As much as I disagreed with President Obama, if he invited me to the White House I would accept in a heartbeat and thank him and even hug him when I got there. Meeting and shaking hands with the commander in chief is one of the greatest honors an American can receive, no matter your political stripes.
  14. A must have for football fans, especially out of town Bills fans as we would miss half the games without it...
  15. Nothing to be sorry about. I think you are probably right, about KC or the Vikes. Houston only because of a weak division and solid D. At the end of the day, this staff showed great discipline and forethought sticking with Tyrod for a year rather than stubbornly going out and getting "their guy" year one.I am still stunned at the genius of the trades to get all the picks, and the great coaching McDermott showed the talent depleted roster halfway through the season.
  16. Our coach does come from the Andy Reid coaching tree. You are right though, I think the only situation he can possibly be successful in is where he is right now. That Eagles team is totally loaded, and coached up to the n'th degree so much so that even E.J Manuel would look like an All Pro running that offense.
  17. Officially broke the 20 pound threshold today. When i started the keto diet in late March I was tipping the scales @ 276, this morning I weighed in @ 254. lost 10-15 in first month, as when you start a low carb diet you lose all excess water weight upfront. Weight loss will be slow and steady from here on out. I have started to comfortably wear shirts that I haven't been able to fit into since 2012 to work, and my current work clothes are so baggy they makes me look like a homeless bum who got free clothes from the salvation army. I have incorporated "Perfect Keto Base" powder into my hydration routine, and it seems to help a lot in keeping me in heavy ketosis.
  18. I know I caught that then deleted the post ... I know I was wrong i mis read your post
  19. The 1st amendment Does have boundaries. If I came to work with a Hitler T-shirt, I would undoubtedly be fired on the spot. Is that infringing on my 1st Amendment rights, or is it common sense to not expect my employer to allow me to be an @sshole? Less radical hypothetical, if I came to work out of compliance with dress code, would I not be out of compliance and subject to discipline as per the employee handbook?
  20. Exactly. They are even allowing them to kneel, they can stay in the locker room. OBTW they players are getting tens of millions of dollars to help further their cause, I would call that more than a little generous no?
  21. I give the Bills more of an edge being it is their home opener, and the chargers have to travel all the way out to buffalo which is historically tough on a west coast team...
  22. The guide always says Instigators, but are you saying you tuned in and it wasnt there?
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