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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. Yes, very. Lets not jinx the kid before his FIRST PRESEASON START 1!?
  2. This game sucks i am now watching dvr good luck to all who voluntarily endure this hari kari torture!
  3. They were talking about "...which QB will own their new home." Play by play picked josh allen, second darnold. I think something on halftime show about it... Agreed
  4. I love when national telecasts talk about how great Josh is gonna be!? And another drug induced pick by eagles, as if on cue!?
  5. TuhRod boo-birds now in Cleveland!
  6. Carlo Hyde is fighting for Jesus I tell you!
  7. Oh wow. My Synthetic marijuana theory is getting legs!?
  8. Probably not. And Yes, it would've been indeed!
  9. Either the eagles offense is high on synthetic marijuana, or the brownie scouts have an incredible defense this year.
  10. Wow. Baker Mayfield isnt in the same ZIP CODE of Josh Allen. From top to bottom.
  11. Same 'ol Tyrod. Needs 14 on 3rd down and throws for 2
  12. Yay! Another QB thread?
  13. Does this make you happy big boy?
  14. Pick method, yes. Administer, no. In states that do not offer capital punishment for murder, the victim's families should have the right to ask for a federal trial so that if found guilty, it can be administered.
  15. Link does not work Right. This gentleman is the illegal immigrant that Trump was referring to in his escalator speech when he announced he was running. This animal needs to be tried, convicted and receive death by hanging. HE is the reason we have capital punishment in this country.
  16. That is actually a pretty good idea!
  17. I pressure wash the back of the toilet bowl at work with my @$$hole at least once a week.
  18. He must have fallen off the wagon. He needs to start going to meetings again.
  19. Leave the Life Alert lady alone!
  20. Nate will be week 1 starter with Zay Jones so McDermott can fight for Jesus
  21. He is soooo good at saying nothing
  22. Thank you. This thread has inspired me to chug 32 oz of prune juice so i can enjoy the rest of my afternoon. Agreed. Some people here take it WAY too far. 99% of those keyboard tough guys would not behave like that face to face, man to man.
  23. I agree. But we also need a succession plan in place for when we trade him to New England after he throws his first interception.
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