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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. It is just a game. At the end of the day, nobody is bleeding and dying. Try using that argument to a combat soldier, an EMS or Police Officer. They are getting paid a lot of $$$ to play the sport they love. We are paying them for our amusement through ticket sales, merchandise, etc. There is no excuse for the way some of these fans behave. That guy that berated a 10 yr old little girl (read patricheat fan from nh's post) should be ashamed of himself, and the fans that cheered him on as well.
  2. This thread is going to be epic
  3. WOW. This is the first time i can remember the Bills never having a kick or punt return anything close to that kick return TD. 100 friggin yards.
  4. I was in Queens and my DVR did not record and i was pissed.... until i read this. Thank you for making me glad i have no way of watching!?
  5. There is no mention of specific lifetime tenure in the constitution. They just did not specify a specic time period of how long they can serve. So, naturally, everyone assumes they serve for life.
  6. Let not your heart be troubled, we are 13 point dogs, NOBODY is counting out the patricheats!
  7. That is true, but not healthy for the republic. Elected officials should have a set retirement age and term limits. Case in point, John McCain. Some of these people are masking serious health problems that may or may not be affecting their ability to effectively function. I will throw it out there, 80 yrs old should be it for ANY elected official.
  8. I can get behind this, one less hole to worry about. Looked ALOT better than Anderson
  9. Wait, I thought she was busy taking time off from a job she hasn't even started yet?
  10. You just made a crappy morning better thanks man!
  11. If you dont love this Kid after watching that video I dont know what to tell you....
  12. Poor Degenerate Mike, i was sure he was looking forward to getting motorboated by Mead...
  13. Pass accuracy problem? How about a recievers that cannot catch a pass when it hits em in the numbers problem? I hope you were being facetious...
  14. I was on DVR had to drop a deuce!
  15. Peterman get worst player and he isnt even playing!
  16. Another process crime commited by the Bills O-Line
  17. No $hit, sherlock that is why i (and all bills fans for that matter) am pissed!
  18. This whole "our WR'S dropping perfectly catchable balls thrown by Josh Allen EVRYTIME he throws over 10 yds" is getting old and making me sick.
  19. Ford runs angry, i like it. Kinda like Freddy used to.
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