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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. I don't just want to beat the Porpoises, I want to hand them their most crushing, punishing and humiliating playoff defeats in the history of their franchise. Their fans deserve nothing less. I want them hobbling onto their charter jet back to sea world broken and demoralized. I want their players giving their post game interviews with a glazed over thousand yard stare, like Howie Long after we disemboweled the raiders in the AFC Championship game in 1991.
  2. Which is why she is ditching his beta male @$$ at the alter
  3. You, my friend just won post of the day, maybe perhaps the month!
  4. It is from a med journal, and you have to pay to download the whole thing which I am not doing, but I will provide a summary and a link to the original so if you want to you can. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/sji.13242 https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/more-than-270-sudden-cardiac-deaths-in-us-athletes-after-vaccination-peer-reviewed-study_4960561.html
  5. I am a black tar heroin man myself, but downhill skiing can be fun too as a change of pace!
  6. But they don't have Joshua Patrick Allen.
  7. They are extremely weak minded, fragile people who probably were not mature/old enough to experience the Super Bowl years and therefore cannot appreciate how good this current iteration of our franchise really is. We are on the precipice of establishing a dynasty that will be strong and dominant for years to come. I just ignore the ankle biters and zone them out, and just enjoy the ride. Good stuff like this does not come around every day. 😎
  8. I have always thought he looks/sounds like he is really quite constipated, and could probably use a glass or two of prune juice. I actually feel for the big guy.
  9. These Vikings could literally f**k up a wet dream.
  10. So what about the rest of my post? Any thoughts? Proper English would be greatly appreciated.
  11. I am not a troll, I haven't lived under a bridge since my tour in Iraq. You started this thread implying we would revert to 2019 form, where we choked against the Texans in the wild card round. Now you are trying to frame the formation of this thread as "oh, I was just trying to reset expectations!" GTFOH man, stop gaslighting. We all make mistakes, especially when we are emotionally married to this team. Doesn't make you a bad guy, just let your balls drop and man up.
  12. You really suck at gaslighting bud.
  13. I think it was the thread started by that strange dude who frequented high level business meetings and had Insider knowledge about a real estate transaction west of Letchworth State Park that had something to do with the new Bills stadium?
  14. Eh I find them not as hot, more flavourful because they have more mass. All personal preference. I cannot make my chilli using the peppers as my wife gets the squirts when I use them, so only on special occasions like when I am cooking for other people i.e. work functions, etc.
  15. Thank you for letting me know about the Phytohaemagglutinin, I had no idea and I believe most people do not. I dabble with using fresh ingredients all the time and was going to use fresh kidney beans eventually and not knowing that could have been very bad. Pinto beans I use when no garbanzo beans are available. They are very good, very hearty like garbanzo. Do not use them with garbanzo, as they do not compliment each other. Try the corn though, seriously the sweetness compliments the spice.
  16. I am OCD on the flavor profile of my chilli so i have to, but seriously try the ancho chilli powder it turns the heat into a smoky hybrid flavor. You can also sub one jalapeño for two habrenero peppers, that has it's own special zing to it. Brown sugar at the end is key.
  17. I use a tablespoon, black beans are good but I prefer red kidney beans and garbanzo mixed in together myself.
  18. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/129482/slow-cooker-venison-chili-for-the-big-game/ I sub in ground venison instead of cubed, garbanzo and kidney beans, 1 tbsp ancho chilli powder, 1/2 cup of chilli powder, I jalapeño pepper, 1 green bell pepper, 1 can corn and double the garlic. I also cook 6 hours instead of four. On hour 5 I stir in 1 cup of brown sugar, it enhances the background flavor of the peppers.
  19. Eh, no they are not the same. Also, those two holidays are for military members, not COs and LEOs. Sorry if I come off as nit picking but...
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