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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. Done. Will also happen @ the 9am services.?
  2. Granted, i couldnt watch the whole debate but damn, was ot me or did they not treat Obama like a Confederate statue?
  3. If ot could only be in Buffalo and not in NE...
  4. Just noticed the second to last game of the season is "TBD" between the 21 and 23 of December. What is that all about?
  5. At least you are man enough to admit it. Draft is a crapshoot, people who are paid to evaluate talent for NFL teams are wrong all the time. Nothing to be ashamed of.
  6. I wouldn't cash that check
  7. "Dont you DARE sleep on MY Buffalo Bills" He bought real estate on our bandwagon while it was cheap, smart man!
  8. That was some good stuff, i liked the ed oliver part!?
  9. In the Army, we would prescribe "remedial training" to slow soldiers who just didnt get it...
  10. I thought i would leave this right here
  11. Kamala would like to opine
  12. They only kept camp there for Russ Brandon's regional marketing strategy. I want camp where the coaching staff feels like it will best prepare the team to win, not where the marketing department feels it will drive the most revenue.
  13. As of last year there was no annual contract, that must have changed. I asked a rep about that a couple years ago when I was indeed in a contract, the whole cancel and then re-up to get ticket for free scheme. She said I couldnt do that, you had to be a new customer without direc tv for at least 6 months...
  14. I can see this thread taking a turn for the worst...
  15. https://nypost.com/2019/07/02/trump-wants-successful-conclusion-to-census-citizenship-question-case/
  16. Oh so now you are an originalist all of a sudden LOL. The supreme court ruled the question constitutional, it will be added in due time. Should be interesting to see how he goes about it knowing they have already started printing the census without it.
  17. Where in the constitution does it say we are prohibited from asking if they are a citizen or not? Is it not the purpose of the census to determine how many people, ie. citizens are residing in our republic? Dems only oppose this question because many of the deep blue districts, i.e NYC, San Francisco, etc are flooded with illegals and they want them counted in the census to expand congressional districts to add seats and to justify increased federal funding to said districts. But you already know this, of course...
  18. How is trying to get a head count on how many citizens and non citizens reside in this country a "power grab"? And why is it a bad thing to have such information?
  19. I just listened. We only have one side of the story, lets pump the brakes a bit... He was physical with her, but she did not ask for medical attention. If he truly wanted to hurt her, i am sure he is more than capable . Lets be patient and wait for the facts to come out...
  20. To put into perspective how nasty it will be, we probably had the best D in the league last year. It would have shown statistically if they werent put into such bad situations by our abysmal offense. And despite all the horrible jams they were tasked with overcoming, overall we were #1.
  21. I actually was stationed at a FOB in Iraq named after this gentleman. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forward_Operating_Base_Kalsu Irregardless, we should all not forget that today is not Veterans Day, it is Memorial Day. It is not a celebration, but a day to acknowledge, remember and honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while performing their warrior tasks and drills in service to our great country. While sipping a beer, turning over ribs on the barbie, or enjoying the company of loved ones, we should all take a moment, just a moment, to remember those who did not get to come home to enjoy the great country we all now get to enjoy.
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