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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. Just hung up with ATT/DirecTV. 40 mins on phone, pretty good result although not NEARLY as fruitful as previous years. Sunday Ticket not free for existing customers, though I did back my way into getting it for free. Sunday Ticket $48.99 X 6 mos, $60.00 Loyalty Credit X 12 mos. She said call back next month when one of my other credits expire, and I will get more $$$ off my bill. No contract, month to month.
  2. This is all more evidence of Arkancide. To break that bone, you would need some sort of short drop in the hang. The post previously reported he tied the noose and leaned forward towards the floor. The bedsheets, and his own prison uniform are "suicide proof", meaning they tear with more than 20 lbs of weight applied to them. https://nypost.com/2019/08/15/epstein-autopsy-determined-he-had-several-broken-neck-bones-report/ Numerous studies were also cited by the paper that found hyoid bone breaks were found in the minority of suicidal hangings. One such study conducted from 2010 to 2013 that looked at suicidal hangings in India found that hyoid damage was present in just 16 of 264 cases.
  3. This actually sounds awesome, i am going to make this in the fall during deer season. Sub chuck steak for cubed venison and serve over lemon butter steamed white rice with browned onions and peppers
  4. So you are assuming all immigrants from non European countries are poor?
  5. They didnt have as many or as good guns as us.
  6. Andrew Jackson said something very similar right before the trail of tears.
  7. You mean surrender our arms so hardcore Leninists like you can enact a total Communist revolution. Be honest, man. All you people want is power. The only real hurdle you have is an armed populace. Which is exactly why the founders instituted the 2nd Amendment. They knew damn well there would be a day like today with totalitarian thugs like you prancing around.
  8. Tell that to all the soldiers and marines that went home in body bags in vietnam, iraq and afghanistan
  9. Do you know if Barkley does well with other cats/young children?
  10. He also pointed out how it was literally IMPOSSIBLE to hanf oneself with the equipment in the cell. There was no where to tie your noose. The jail issued clothing wasnt strong enough to not rip when you were suspended.
  11. Interesting.... There's 'no way' Epstein killed himself: Former MCC inmate https://nypost.com/2019/08/10/former-mcc-inmate-theres-no-way-jeffrey-epstein-killed-himself/
  12. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6250471-Epstein-Docs.html Its beautiful.
  13. Damn, how the HELL did you get access to Tib's email?! As a matter of fact it looks like both her and her hubby slick willy definitely do! https://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/2016/08/10/the-list-of-clinton-associates-whove-died-mysteriously-check-it-out/
  14. I agree with Gugny, pizza is good. Crystal Meth is ok, i am just more of a black tar heroin man myself. Has a good aura when you freebase it.
  15. Good guy with a gun, lucky that guy was carrying... https://nypost.com/2019/08/09/nut-with-tactical-rifle-body-armor-sparks-chaos-at-missouri-walmart/
  16. It is IMPOSSIBLE to be reasonably accurate on schedule predictions as we cannot know how healthy each team is week to week
  17. Driving a car is a privilege, not a constitutional right.
  18. He was a registered Democrat. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/08/leftists-change-shooter-patrick-crusiuss-mylife-page-after-saturday-shooting-from-democrat-to-republican/
  19. 4.) How does one man kill 20 people and wound another 30 people with a single magazine that only holds 30 rounds? The surveillance photo shows no chest rig, no battle belt and no spare magazines. VERY good question...
  20. Good for him, but it is a damn shame he wouldn't retire as a Bill
  21. Texas is one of the most 2A friendly states, ALOT of people packing. I am honestly shocked that nobody stopped this person before it gotnout of hand. Was this mall a "gun free zone"?
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