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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. The one takeaway from that entire article was from the very top. Making it a organizational objective in your staff meeting to maintain your family's lifestyle? So inappropriate. I have been in many meetings like that, hosted by many different millionaire owners and I dont know one that would discuss such a thing with any management, much less staff. No wonder the culture is so toxic. I do not have any bad will towards the Pegulas, as far as I know they are fine people. However, the poor judgement displayed in that instance sure leaves me scratching my head though...
  2. Like your side staging a silent coup to overturn the results of the 2016 election for political purposes??
  3. You know something is coming very soon when MSM outlets start printing about it... https://nypost.com/2020/04/20/the-2016-election-scandal-waiting-to-break/
  4. Homeboy wanted to go back to work so bad, he chopped off his tongue in sacrifice so the deity would be satisfied and the outbreak would stop. https://nypost.com/2020/04/20/indian-man-chops-off-tongue-in-sacrifice-to-stop-coronavirus/
  5. I am not saying this is true, but it sure is interesting...
  6. He hasnt commited to a date yet, but I am still watching
  7. The veil is off. Sugar Nipples just all but admitted he is going to use this shut down as a vehicle to enact social justice reform.
  8. Just has to be regional, dont treat NYC like Livingston county, etc. If we do that, we will be fine
  9. Funny how 95% of cases are mild, yet EVERY single CNN personality that’s gotten it has had a near-death, traumatic experience. It’s almost as if they’re trying to boost their own ratings isn’t it? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/brooke-baldwin-coronavirus-essay-cnn-180334476.html
  10. You and BillStime are up way past your bedtime. Nite nite Q baby. BillStime, I will see you in the AM.
  11. A very reasonable assesment of this whole episode. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1252046878314770432?s=01
  12. I may have been right on my 630 briefing time
  13. I am sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you or shatter your confidence
  14. I am sorry, I am a mere plebe cowering in your shadow. Can you more eloquently communicate the question, sir?
  15. He did not say that. He was inferring they should protest the ridiculous BS that those incompetent governors slipped into their orders (like prohibitions on buying seeds, paint, and mulch). Try again. Then you have lowered the bar significantly
  16. Wow, and you are a Rhodes Scholar to boot!
  17. So if your neighbor goes shooting, comes home, and you happen to overhear him in his driveway commenting to his son he needs to buy more ammo would you call the county Sheriff?
  18. Outside of a few exceptions, I wanna go on record and say Sugar Nipples has done a good job during this crisis. I have always voted against him, and VEHEMENTLY oppose alot his policy positions. But in this instance, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being perfect, I give him a 7-8. Impressive, considering he has never in his career on the public doll encountered a crisis like this. I hope this post ages well and I don't have to eat my words!? WWW.BUDSGUNSHOP.COM They are cheap, and ship ammo to your front door. Yes, even in NYS.?
  19. Tell me, when did Donald tell everyone to defy state mandated social distancing orders and ordinances? I must have missed that...
  20. What is the purpose of this post? I hope you are not victim shaming... That will be 630 Trump Time LOL
  21. She is such a lying, disingenuous, despicable human being. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive her. For at this point in her life I truly believe she does not know what she is doing. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/wow-chris-wallace-calls-pelosi-pushing-tourism-chinatown-february-pelosi-lies-teeth-video/ Thank you.
  22. My mom is in hospice care at the Mt Morris nursing home, spoke with her today. She is so depressed from not being able to see us, she goes days without answering the phone (a week this episode.) Me and my 2 siblings are super concerned she will pass away all alone. My sister in Maine is pregnant, and is praying she lasts long enough for her to see her one last time, as she cannot travel the distance in her late stage of pregnancy. I was not trying to put up a woe is me type post, just trying to let you know that you are not alone, and hope that fact brings you some sort of solace.
  23. Just in case you missed it, here is the video the white house created to publically humiliate the white house press corp.? https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1250040286274891776?s=09
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