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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. Oh yeah. This is beginning to be beautiful. Dr. Fauci backed controversial Wuhan lab studying coronavirus https://nypost.com/2020/04/29/dr-fauci-backed-controversial-wuhan-lab-studying-coronavirus/
  2. He didn't need to use it in most cases
  3. I think that was one of the most common sense things he has done so far, to be perfectly honest with you.
  4. What a creep https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/28/joe-biden-travel-bans-prevent-economic-intercourse-around-the-world/
  5. Italy is just as good about that, but they got baptized by the pandemic. Iran was getting pummeled by this evil virus, and the curve quickly flattened with very little explanation, except in April in that part of the world the temps go up substantially (except in the north, where there are still hot zones), and monsoon season ends (yes, believe it or not it is a thing there) which allows for much greater amounts of sunlight. I predict when things calm down and we can take a deep breath and study this we will see much more how environmental factors really do mitigate this.
  6. Governor Blackface's health commissioner wants to stay in Phase 1 for TWO F*CKING YEARS? What reality is he residing in?
  7. If I may preface what I am about to say, I am one of the biggest critics and detractors of the Governors of NYS. Sugar Nipples was going on flawed information put out to the states by the Coronavirus Task Force. It was compiled by a few different sources, namely WHO, IHME, Bill and Linda Gates Foundation, CDC, etc. So, really, nobody, not the Federal Government, not the States, not ANY private sector think tanks or medical groups, were right on the rate of hospitalization. Not one of those firms/companies/organizations took into account the profound impact of social distancing and the rate of compliance among the population with the stay at home orders. Let's take it easy on blaming the politicians and put the blame where it really belongs. Blame China, and certainly blame the WHO.
  8. Sugar Nipples ordered additional antibody testing in NYS, and read the results today. 24.9% of people in NYC tested positive for the antibodies. It is actually lower than I thought.
  9. I just KNEW something was off with the guy. It just seems like every single damned time the media starts fawning over someone, demanding you adore them, they turn out rotten...
  10. How is he doing out there? I know the mother of his GF, so of course she is enamored, just want to hear a more objective assesment...
  11. Sugar Nipples is not going to run for POTUS, he has way too many skeletons in his closet, and he knows it.
  12. I think this ? is key, the WR group we fielded last year seemed to have ALOT of drops.
  13. Maybe a project QB to replace Barkley eventually?
  14. Very strong rebuttal by the judge. Blasted the state of CA out of the water on this one. https://youtu.be/_ckp2R9zENM
  15. Looks like the Orange Man was right yet again, this time on sunlight and humidity being lethal for the virus.
  16. Yeah they said 3-6 days by phone. Got tested on Tuesday, so by late this week early next week
  17. I am actually shocked those positive rates aren't much higher, with how contagious this thing is. I participated in the study, am interested to see if I have the anti-bodies....
  18. I agree with the ROK SF Commander. Not exactly good timing if the fake news is correct for once... https://nypost.com/2020/04/22/death-of-kim-jong-un-could-require-massive-military-response/
  19. As always, a damned good read from the federalist. https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/20/7-devastating-revelations-about-crossfire-hurricane-in-new-releases/
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