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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. He wouldn't say these things unless he knew it was true, which means there are probably indictments inbound.
  2. Why dont you go to the bathroom and finish the project you have been working on all afternoon.
  3. WTF is schiff talking about? His attorney should advise him to get the f*ck off twitter and start smashing his electronic equipment with hammers!
  4. My mom. May light perpetual shine upon her. May The Lord take her into His eternal comfort, and remove any pain on her soul. May she walk in His good graces, so she may find eternal comfort in His Kingdom. Lord, hear my words. Patricia J. Matthews “Trisha” | Obituaries | thelcn.com https://www.thelcn.com/obituaries/patricia-j-matthews-trisha/article_e9bd1db7-b926-54d6-b279-9e39aa5bddb5.html
  5. Look at these two side by side. Notice the pattern??
  6. I usually dont pay much attention to David Portnoy, but damn is he on point this time. Everything he said is true. https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente/status/1260721488241418240?s=01
  7. I saw this yesterday afternoon, quite telling.
  8. I am more pissed at the GOP members of Congress that sat on all those committee hearings and listened as all these bad actors like Brennan said under oath that they had no knowledge of people in the Trump campaign colluding with Russia. If roles were reversed and the mean old orange man were a Demoncat, you know damned well the dems would never let all of this happen. Shame on the GOP for being spineless hacks through all this!
  9. This is STILL going on down here? daz, bro what is happening?
  10. The employee consents to their employer tracking them. The Governor is walking barefoot on glass with this order. There is no way I can see a moderate court saying it is ok for the state to be allowed to knock on your door and say you and your family must obey and submit to an invasive medical procedure or be locked in your home under guard by the state police for 14 days. There is a reason AG Barr designated a task force to monitor the states and their lockdown orders, he had the foresight to see how they would evolve into draconian measures.
  11. He is talking about contact tracing. It is not right to say comply with the government or starve.
  12. So you agree the government should be able to come to your home and involuntarily subject you and your family to invasive medical testing on a hunch that you could, possibly, maybe have a virus that has a .1% mortality rate?
  13. Speaking of which, Federal Flite Control No. 5 1 3/4 oz Turkey is my go to, but cannot find it so had to settle for Rem Mag. Have since moved 9mm from gun safe to drawer in living room with extra mags, 45 in night stand, and my 12 gauge is loaded with buck shot with open choke in front hallway. If anyone wants to come in uninvited, I sincerely hope they have health insurance because there is a very good chance they will have a very bad case of lead poisoning.
  14. It is already beginning here in the suburbs of Albany. Had an attempted break in at 8AM a couple weeks ago down the street, and busted a guy casing my house Saturday. Also, a week ago an attempted break in while me and my daughter were turkey hunting. They knew I wasn't there because my truck was gone, luckily my alarm went off, my wife was home alone in bed. Again, about 8AM.
  15. Don't forget about the disheveled bolshevik from Vermont
  16. Awesome article, easy read. https://sharylattkisson.com/2020/05/50-media-mistakes-in-the-trump-era-the-definitive-list/
  17. Things are escalating. A US attorney’s review into the origins of the Russia investigation is going “full throttle” and adding top prosecutors who are breaking down individual aspects of the case, including the prosecution of former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to a report on Monday. Jeff Jensen, the US attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, who reviewed the Flynn case for the Justice Department, and interim US Attorney for the District of Columbia Timothy Shea are assisting the probe being headed up by US Attorney for Connecticut John Durham. “They farmed the investigation out because it is too much for Durham and he didn’t want to be distracted,” Fox News reported, citing a source. “He’s going full throttle, and they’re looking at everything.” Rest of article at link below. https://nypost.com/2020/05/11/us-attorney-going-full-throttle-with-review-of-russia-probe/
  18. Beetlejuice. Congrats, bud that is gonna stick I am telling you!?
  19. I just read the bill overview, what am I missing?
  20. Refreshing to read about my original reason for coming here years ago, football. PPP is just so exhausting. I was always a hockey guy, the Bills sucking and getting screwed so much made me as a young lad lose interest. I have learned so damned much from threads like this over the years, that people think I played football or coached LOL. Seriously, you do not realize how much Football is a thinking man's game until you learn the X'S & O'S, the game within the game so to speak. I had no idea how smart you have to be to be an offensive lineman, for example. They have so many checks they have to go through pre-snap, it boggles my mind. The game is just so much more fun to watch after you get even a mild grasp of what is going on with both sides of the ball, then you can truly appreciate the sport.
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