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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. But hasn't he been right about like 95% of the political stuff? He called this whole Russia thing back like 3 years ago.
  2. She was actually kinda cute, until I turned on the audio!
  3. Bruce Jenner in talks with Sleepy Joe's handlers to be put on ticket as VP. https://nypost.com/2020/05/19/gretchen-whitmer-in-talks-to-become-joe-bidens-vp-pick/
  4. Unless he chooses to disclose that information, then yes, you are correct.
  5. He did not advise we all start taking HCQ, he just said he is doing it himself, along with zinc.
  6. I think the best real world example is India. Smaller land mass, almost double the population. They have some of the worst malaria outbreaks in the world, annually. As in, every year. They have massive stockpiles of Hydroxychloroquine, widely available there. They dont have nearly the problem with CCP Virus that we do. They have so much faith in it, I remember back in March the Indian govt stopped exporting the drug. Real world case study.
  7. It is happening here too. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.news10.com/news/columbia-county/kinderhook-to-take-gym-owner-to-court-over-opening-against-executive-order/amp/
  8. You arent the only one that picked up on that You are not a serious person.
  9. As a Christian, I believe in forgiveness. Satan can influence anyone, especially those who arent practicing vigilance in keeping watch for his presence. Warren can be forgiven. If Jesus Christ can forgive me after all the bad I have done in my life, he can certainly forgive Warren. Everything you said in the quoted post is true, DR. I just pray he sees the error of his ways soon, so that he can live with himself.
  10. You cannot be on the right side of every issue. In life, like nature, to survive you need to make mid stream audibles, changes to your behavior and overall life strategy on the fly. That takes humility, the ability to admit you are wrong. Some might take it a step further, and ask the question "are you man enough to admit when you are wrong?"
  11. I'm a black tar heroin man myself. Oh and I like your new avatar!?
  12. Neil Cavuto is such a condescending f*ck!ng @$$hhole. How dare the White House medical team not consult with Dr Cavuto before prescribing treatment on their patients!
  13. But why? Was he infected but asymptomatic?
  14. I was just about to post about this, at least there is SOMETHING to like about the man
  15. Yeah, ALL the teams in all sports as well. I have a feeling with the lack of ticket and concession revenue, they are going to jack up broadcast rates, therefore no more free Sunday Ticket, Center Ice, etc.
  16. Because he wears nipple bars, got busted in a presser back in March. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2020/03/31/andrew-cuomos-nipples-take-our-minds-off-coronavirus/amp/
  17. I am confused, I heard from a CDC "expert" last week that there has never been an effective vaccine ever developed for a coronavirus...
  18. Sugar Nipples encouraging all major sports teams in NY to plan on starting the season without fans. Said the state will help them make this happen in any way they can, but bottom line is he wants them to start seasons. Oh, an apparently Sugar Nipples is a Bills fan. Who knew??
  19. Awesome piece from the WSJ that dropped yesterday afternoon. Should Florida Bailout New York? Democrats want a $915 billion budget bailout for states and cities, and the leading lobbyist is New York Governor Sugar Nipples. His main public antagonist on the subject is Florida Senator and former Governor Rick Scott. Both men were first elected Governor in 2010, so let’s do the math to consider which state has managed its economy and finances better over the last decade. In 2010 New York’s population of 19.378 million was larger than Florida’s 18.8 million. By mid-2019 Florida had grown to 21.48 million, according to the Census Bureau, while New York had barely increased to 19.453 million. Yet Governor Sugar Nipples recently signed a budget for fiscal 2021 of $177 billion that is even bigger than last year’s, papering over what was a $6 billion deficit before the coronavirus. Florida’s budget for fiscal 2021, not yet signed by new Governor Ron DeSantis, is expected to be about $93 billion. Democrats in Albany are claiming to be victims of events that are out of their control. But they have increased spending by $43 billion since 2010—about $570,000 for each additional person. Florida’s budget has increased by $28 billion while its population has grown 2.7 million—a $10,400 increase per new resident. *** New York has a top state-and-local tax rate of 12.7%, while Florida has no income tax. Yet New York has a growing budget deficit, while Mr. Scott inherited a large deficit but built a surplus and paid down state debt. The difference is spending. New York’s spending on worker retirement benefits has nearly doubled since 2010 and is six times greater than Florida’s. Its debt-service payments have also doubled. Albany’s biggest cost driver is Medicaid, which gobbles up 40% of the state budget—twice as much as education. Florida spends about the same on schools as on Medicaid. Blame New York’s cocktail of generous benefits, loose eligibility standards and waste. New York spends about twice as much per Medicaid beneficiary and six times more on nursing homes as Florida though its elderly population is 20% smaller. Many New York nursing homes and hospitals are organized by unions, which use their political clout to drive generous pay and benefits. Governor Sugar Nipples in 2014 expanded Medicaid as part of ObamaCare to able-bodied individuals earning up to 133% of the poverty line. Florida didn’t. While the federal government initially picked up 100% of the ObamaCare expansion tab, New York is now on the hook for 10%, which contributed to this year’s $4 billion Medicaid shortfall. New York spends about $76 billion a year on Medicaid—three times more than Florida. Swelling Medicaid costs have squeezed spending on transportation, causing Empire State trains and roads to fall into disrepair. Florida has found money to pave potholes and increased transportation spending 10 times more than New York between 2010 and 2019. Governor Sugar Nipples pleads poverty by claiming New York is a “donor” state to the federal government. But federal dollars account for about 35.9% of New York’s spending compared to 32.8% of Florida’s, according to the Tax Foundation. New Yorkers pay more in federal taxes than what Albany gets back because the progressive federal tax code hits high earners the hardest and New York still has many high earners. The “donors” are individuals, and the money isn’t Governor Sugar Nipple's. In any case, many high earners are moving to lower-tax states. New York lost $9.6 billion in adjusted gross income to other states in 2018 while Florida gained $16 billion. Workers are following jobs, and vice versa. The rate of private job growth in Florida has been about 60% higher than in New York from January 2010 to January 2020. Finance jobs expanded by 25% in Florida compared to 9.7% in New York. By our calculations, New York would generate $10 billion more annually in tax revenue if its personal income had grown at the rate of Florida’s over the last decade. New York’s future has been discounted before, but the coronavirus may be its most serious economic challenge. Many service businesses are learning they don’t need as many workers in the office and can save money by downsizing. Morgan Stanley has said it intends to reduce office space in New York City, and Twitter has told employees they can work remotely as long as they want. Many restaurants were struggling before the coronavirus due to New York’s high minimum wage, taxes, rents and suffocating regulation. Some may now close permanently. *** Governor Sugar Nipples no doubt realizes all this, which is why last week he cited a repeal of the $10,000 limit on the state-and-local tax deduction as his top request from Congress to keep more high earners from leaving. He also wants $61 billion in budget relief, which the Empire Center’s E.J. McMahon notes would cover projected deficits for four years assuming spending increases by 4% annually. The policy question is why taxpayers in Florida and other well-managed states should pay higher taxes to rescue an Albany political class that refuses to restrain its tax-and-spend governance. Public unions soak up an ever-larger share of tax dollars, but Albany refuses to change. Mr. Scott is right.
  20. In short, Cuomo really sucks, and the stats say so. #SCIENCE. https://www.wsj.com/articles/should-florida-bail-out-new-york-11589746538?redirect=amp#click=https://t.co/rJ5bqnTY6n
  21. From Miranda Devine in the NY POST today: Samantha Power was “the largest unmasker of US persons in our country’s history,” then-Rep. Trey Gowdy said in October 2017, when he was interviewing her during the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe. As US ambassador to the United Nations, she made hundreds of “unmasking” requests during the final year of the Obama administration, although her post had no obvious intelligence function. She asked that the identity of Gen. Michael Flynn be revealed in classified intelligence reports seven times between Election Day 2016 and the inauguration of President Trump on Jan. 20, 2017, although she testified later to have “no recollection” of the requests. “Now, did I have a significant appetite for intelligence? I do,” Power told Gowdy. No kidding. Not that she was alone. We now discover, thanks to a document declassified by the nation’s intelligence chief, that more than three dozen members of the Obama administration, including Joe Biden, also had an unhealthy obsession with unmasking Flynn. After this flurry of activity, it was only a matter of time before someone leaked Flynn’s name to The Washington Post, providing the pretext for the infamous FBI “setup” interview which led to his resignation after just 24 days as national security adviser and sparking the Russia-collusion fantasy which hobbled the Trump administration before it began. The presidential transition is supposed to be a peaceful handover of power from one administration to the next, but in the 10 weeks between Election Day and Inauguration Day, something went very badly wrong. In the words of Rep. Devin Nunes, Obama’s people “went wild after Trump won. They got poisoned with this Russia hoax … They were just unmasking and then leaking out about anyone within the Trump campaign and the Trump Transition Team." In a parliamentary system such as Britain’s, a new prime minister can show up for work the day after the election, and in other democracies, a period of caretaker government limits the powers of the “lame duck” administration. But in America, there is a remarkable period of almost three months during which an unscrupulous administration can plant landmines for its successor to step on. And that, as becomes clearer each day, is what happened to the Trump administration. The threat for the Obamaites wasn’t that Republicans were returning temporarily to office. It was that the barbarian Trump uniquely imperiled their entire progressive agenda. But they wasted little time wailing and rending their garments. Being professional community activists, they turned their emotions into action. They did what they regarded as their patriotic duty: bedevilling Trump before he set foot in the Oval Office. So, in their last days in power, they used the intelligence agencies to trawl for dirt which they weaved into a barely plausible narrative that Trump was an “asset” of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Then someone leaked this nonsense, along with the salacious contents of the fictional Steele Dossier, to a weaponized media. They then sat back and savored the hounding of their nemesis. The “Resistance” was born. No wonder Power, an Irish-born activist journalist who became an Obama devotee, was weirdly zen about Trump’s victory when interviewed by the Irish Times in November 2017. She said she was comforted by the “checks and balances kicking in” to constrain Trump, the courts blocking his policies and the women becoming “triggered by his vulgarity and cruelty.” Like her former colleagues, Power also kicked along the Russia-collusion tale any chance she got. “Putin has got a very high return on his investment,” she told Stephen Colbert on CBS in December 2017. Yet two months earlier, she had testified in the House Intelligence Committee that she had seen no evidence of Russian collusion. It was the same with Obama’s director of national intelligence, James Clapper. As a paid CNN contributor, Clapper repeatedly declared that Trump was a Russian “asset.” Yet, under oath in July 2017, he told the committee: “I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting [or] conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.” As a paid MSNBC contributor, Obama’s mendacious CIA Director John Brennan labeled Trump “treasonous,” and “wholly in the pocket of Putin.” But last March, after the Mueller investigation found no Russia collusion, he told MSNBC he might have “received bad information … I think I suspected there was more than there actually was.” Sure. Barack Obama, whose administration turned spying on American citizens into an art form, has remained serenely above the fray until now, when the only thing standing between Trump and a second term is a sleepy guy in a basement. During two virtual commencement speeches over the weekend, Obama fashioned the attack lines the Democrats will use during the campaign. “This pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing,” he said. “A lot of them aren’t even pretending to be in charge.” The pandemic works electorally for the Democrats in three ways: It has crippled Trump’s greatest asset, the economy; it offers the opportunity for the socialist transformation that often follows a war; and it allows them to keep hiding Biden in the basement. They plan to hang every coronavirus death around the president’s neck, keep people locked down as long as possible and then blame him for the ailing economy. But the landmines they planted for Trump in the transition are about to blow up on them. I'll tell you what, Miranda Devine has putting out some good sh!t lately. Bravo!? https://nypost.com/2020/05/17/democrats-are-exposing-themselves-in-michael-flynn-case-devine/
  22. All I can say is that it is a good thing this happened in Texas, and not NY. With that weapons charge he would be in the pen for years, not months.
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