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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. I am not getting political here as this is not PPP but c'mon man! Just have a staffer review the damned slides before the presser!
  2. Here is the first article I have found https://nypost.com/2020/05/24/andrew-cuomo-new-york-sports-teams-can-hold-in-state-training-camps/
  3. Came out today. http://twitter.com/FieldYates/status/1264591155913728000
  4. Chris Wallace just said Biden's comments Friday about black people voting for Trump as overblown. In an earlier segment he essentially gave Sugar Nipples a pass on all the deaths he is responsible for in nursing homes. I dont even know why I bother
  5. I love this as well. I think the team prefers this platform because they can control the whole narrative. I would have to imagine Hard Knocks or All Or Nothing would be a bit more of a challenge. All Or Nothing would be a wet dream for me though I have to admit.
  6. Here is the interview from Patrice Rusu, an RN from Boston who volunteered in a NYC nursing home so she could pay NYS income taxes. https://www.foxnews.com/shows/outnumbered-overtime
  7. Very good analysis. ?
  8. If the vast majority of our elected leaders were scientists and doctors, we would be in lockdown until we finally found a vaccine. Some of the biggest mistakes during this crisis lay at the feet of the scientists who made the projection models. Not saying it isnt helpful to have diversity in the makeup of govt though.
  9. My wife is desperate for most of her team to go back to the office. Some of her key assistants have had their productivity cut by about 50%, mainly because of their kids. They cant focus and have to take alot of time off of work during the day just to tend to their little ones.
  10. My last post got my wheels spinning, thought I would leave this right here... https://steemit.com/politics/@an0nkn0wledge/the-curious-case-of-the-death-of-joe-scarborough-s-intern-lori-klausutis Seems like a fairly objective site, doesn't really take sides. Does raise some questions, and actually has a link to Joe's Imus interview, which was scrubbed from the web.
  11. Mika going full on Karen. And here is why.
  12. Apparently, Fredo's wife did an end around his doctor to get the Quinine. This is RICH.
  13. Fredo took a much more dangerous and not FDA approved version of Hydroxychloroquine, quinine. And, yes. KMac just effectively ended Fredo's fledgling career.
  14. She is a rising star, and now has some clout with OrangeManBad. He invited her and other top Republicans to Camp David just last weekend. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/elise-stefanik-calls-for-independent-investigation-into-andrew-cuomos-nursing-home-policies
  15. Save the date. Tomorrow, at 1PM EST Harris Faulkner has booked an out of state nurse named Patrice Rusu who volunteered at a hospital in NYC to talk about how badly Sugar Nipple's policy on Nursing Homes was. Now not only in NY, but in NJ the legislature is also now calling for an independent investigation into the matter. Murphy is totally clueless, so he just copied and pasted all of Sugar Nipple's policies and had virtually the same policy.
  16. Well well. What have we here? https://www.foxnews.com/health/cdc-now-says-coronavirus-does-not-spread-easily-via-contaminated-surfaces I apologize if this was already posted, I went back 3 pages to check and did not see it anywhere...
  17. That wasn't a beat down, he fu**!ng CURB STOMPED the media. Trumpian, almost.
  18. Yes, true. But the media likes to leave out the fact that they knew their opponents every scripted play of the first half of almost every single game for over a decade, if not longer. Their QB's helmet radio did not shut off when the playclock went to 15 seconds, they routinely jammed the opponents radio equipment when at home, and quite possibly mic'd up the visiting locker room and coach's office when at home. I could go on and on. Forgive me if I do not look at their success with rose colored glasses.
  19. His business is still located in Massachusetts, that is kinda dumb. Florida has way lower taxes.
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