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Everything posted by NDBUFFCUSEFAN

  1. +1 Leaving the scene of an accident like that is a total lowlife POS move. I hope they catch this dirtbag before they kill someone, glad your daughter is okay and hopefully justice is delivered.
  2. Yup I'm stupid.
  3. They have a one goal lead since they won 2-1.
  4. Goal differential is first tie breaker so this was not ideal but USA#1 just needs to beat Portugal and they're in. The group will be tight.
  5. Hahaha last time I heard that one I fell off my dinosaur. My next post will be things and people BLZFAN4LiFEs wife would rather be doing that him.
  6. It was a nice way of calling you an idiot.
  7. I think you're a moron when it comes to this topic and that's the nicest word I can think of, if I keep going I will use harsher terms to describe your intelligence in regards to this topic so I'm stopping before it gets that far.
  8. I'm done before I get banned, congrats on winning by annoyance.
  9. Well there is only a few soccer fans here so that explains the 5 or 6 of us talking about it. Go look at the three threads and read the dumbass comments from uniformed posters getting off on saying "hahaha soccer's stupid, football rules".
  10. Which constitutional right was that?
  11. That's great, you realize none of the soccer fans here started this crap? It was caused by misinformed and moronic posters making idiotic statements. If you don't like soccer then don't talk about it! When people who don't watch or follow talk **** it's annoying. If some Euro talked about football this way you'd all have your panties in a bunch.
  12. What do you consider to be real sports?
  13. It's impossible to argue when the other side has no clue what they're talking about.
  14. If a soccer fan who was a casual football fan came in here picking apart football you guys would be up in arms but it's cool to bash a sport that you don't understand. I hope you all enjoy your every four year circle jerk.
  15. Watched The Gauntlet starring Clint Eastwood last night, really enjoyed it. I'm glad he did Gran Torino because it got me interested in his previous works and I have enjoyed almost all that I've seen.
  16. You are completely clueless yet keep acting like you know anything about the game. It's okay to not like soccer but to trash it while having no idea what's happening is a bad look.
  17. I cannot believe you are still arguing about a game you DIDN'T EVEN WATCH!
  18. Didn't watch the game, calls it boring. You should have bet the tie and made some money since you can apparently predict the outcome despite knowing nothing about the game.
  19. They didn't take chances?? Did you watch the game? Because with that post it seems you either didn't watch it or have no clue what you're talking about. The Mexico goalie had some of the greatest saves I've seen all tournament and his Brazilian counterpart had some very ones as well. The score may have been 0-0 but it was damn exciting.
  20. Nice, I'm looking at a 65 inch 4k for our new house, definitely getting a new 65+ for football this year. Will have three Sunday Ticket capable TVs in the living room for the upcoming season, pretty frigging excited.
  21. As a former goalie I couldn't let that get by haha. Today was great, watched the game with several friends one block from the beach. Portugal is going to be tough even with Pepe out and the injuries.
  22. I made it fourty posts in before I contracted cancer from all the awful, blatantly false and lolbad posts. Good job, you don't like or understand soccer and had a nice little circle jerk about how great football is.
  23. Sad day here in San Diego and especially for the Aztec family. He was a great player but a greater man. RIP TG.
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