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Everything posted by NDBUFFCUSEFAN

  1. That isn't how it works in reality though and never will. I don't want to dive into PPP territory so this will be my last post about the economics of sports.
  2. They earn that much because of the revenue the games generate. Where do you think the money should go if not to the players?
  3. Parker is pulling some next level BS which IMO is to get the Bills to not tag Byrd again. I hope Whaley calls his bluff and gives Byrd the FT next season as well, unless a long term deal is worked out, there is no way the Bills should let Parker "win" this battle. Byrd is a pawn in Parkers game.
  4. Thank you for this.
  5. If Byrd knew his PF was going to prevent him from playing and told the Bills do you think the Bills would have pulled the tag? Byrd only had one option after he was tagged and waited as long as possible to sign the FT. The Bills knew about this issue last season and still chose to tag him, I can see why Byrd would want to wait until he feels 100% since there is so much money on the line. Also a big lol to the people who compare athletes salaries to average people. Millions of people spend money to see athletes play, why do people so often take the side of the billionaire owner over the millionaire player? If you want to make a difference (not that it matters) stop watching, stop buying sports merchandise, and don't go to games. No one forces you to watch sports, it is a choice you make.
  6. I'm on the west coast so I like it but I when I lived in Buffalo it really threw everything off.
  7. My personal opinion is that Byrd sucked it up last year in order to get his mega contract. Now that he didn't get that contract he is waiting until he is 100% in order to stay healthy enough to get that deal. Without knowing what was asked for/offered by either side I can't pass judgement on the Bills or Byrd. I also do not blame the Bills for wanting to see Byrd in the new defense before giving him a long term deal, I also do not blame Byrd for looking out for himself. This isn't the 1970's, football is big business and Byrd has played well enough to be paid as a top 5 player and maybe top 3.
  8. He was treated for PF last season so it looks like the Bills were aware of this before using the franchise tag on him.
  9. I must have missed the Bills one for Lynch jerseys.
  10. That league sounds awesome.
  11. The three Bills I defend the most on here had great games, I feel like a proud papa haha.
  12. I've been a vocal supporter since the beginning. Glad to see the haters being proven wrong.
  13. Huge game for Stevie, now the trolls can shut up.
  14. Mocking the Oreo thing is fine IMO, she put it out there for us to laugh at but mocking her looks otherwise seems a bit childish. If others want to laugh at her/him that is their right.
  15. Rich athlete marries hot, gold digger and loses millions is a sucker. Rich athlete marries woman they love who is not super hot, LOSER. Some of you have serious issues.
  16. You are a POS. Wishing death upon people because of a game is truly sick.
  17. +1, I definitely want to wear this to the Bills Bar one of these weekends.
  18. There is no rational thoughts allowed, only blind hatred.
  19. The team is consistently terrible yet you still defend them and call out people who have realistic expectations. You definitely win biggest homer award every year so you got that going for you.
  20. We need to stop paying attention to them, not singling you out because I also responded but we can self mod as well.
  21. Thanks for the laugh man.
  22. Glad we watched the same game, I have no clue what OP watched though.
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