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Everything posted by NDBUFFCUSEFAN

  1. Wow nine years of fighting cancer, I cannot imagine having your strength. Good luck man and glad to hear you are still alive to fight this POS disease.
  2. Jill Kelly just posted an update on her Facebook page about Jim. Here is a portion of her post: "At this point and time surgery is not the best option for Jim. Because of complexity and aggressive nature of this cancer and after more scans and tests, the plan has changed. At this point, Jim will not be having surgery. The cancer is in areas that surgery cannot successfully eradicate. Therefore, the medical specialists here in NYC along with our Buffalo team believe that chemotherapy and radiation are the best option. If you've dealt with cancer you know that you never really know for sure what each moment will hold. But..Praise God. We are held in the Strong Mighty hands of an Unchanging God. Thank you for your continued prayer support. I will share updates as we move forward - ready for this battle waged against us. If God is for us.who can be against us!"
  3. +1, thanks for the pic JB.
  4. Thanks for this post, I was feeling the same way as the OP but this actually cheered me up.
  5. My brackets are busted but my alma mater has made it to the sweet 16. Heading up to Anaheim to cheer them on in person, hoping for a return trip for the Elite 8 Saturday with a chance at the Final 4. GO AZTECS!!!!
  6. I don't want to see equality brought to the military because all I care about is mission accomplishment and not dying. If a person is causing distractions I do not want them there, if this is caused by some members disagreeing about his lifestyle then I am sorry but GTFO. The gays I served with were "out" in a sense but they kept it to themselves and were both model Marines. The military is the last place to force this upon because it is life and death for the people on the frontline, politicians sitting on Capitol Hill for the most part have no idea what it is like to serve in these hell holes. As a leader the last thing I want to do is try to play Mr. PC so DC can have a circlejerk about how our military is super accepting of all lifestyles. All I am saying is that military's job is to not emphasize getting along but to kill our enemies, if your lifestyle lowers the capability to complete the mission then there is an issue. Thanks to all those who served as well and a WTF to the guy who couldn't get rounds in Kuwait. When I was in school after my service I met a Navy guy who was in Iraq the same time I was, he never carried a weapon, it blows me away that while we were doing our thing in Al Anbar there were places safe enough to not be armed, and we had to take a loaded rifle just to take a piss and couldn't go alone.
  7. I am going to guess you have never run multi variable regressions before.
  8. Sorry but when I met Marv he as pretty damn cool to talk to so I disagree with your opinion. Eric Moulds might be the nicest Bills player I ever met, I was working in Hamburg when he stopped in one day after practice, we talked for 20 minutes or so and I never got the impression I was bothering even though I probably was.
  9. Why wouldn't a company with the operating budget of a baseball team not explore every possible edge? 500k is a drop in the bucket for these organizations.
  10. Why would they need a supercomputer to count to 3 or 4? I mean the umps can be pretty bad but I am pretty sure they can handle this task.
  11. Teams pay 14 million for one season of average pitching, this 500k looks like a wise investment compared to a lot of player salaries.
  12. I served with gay guys in the Marine Corps, they weren't very flamboyant and we used to joke that as long as they shot straight it didn't matter to us. I also agree that the more the standards are lowered the worse off the military is, when you are serving on the front lines and see policies being enacted that you know will lower the quality of the man next to you, it will lower the morale. My first day in Iraq I pulled lead security while my unit re-sighted their weapons, I saw an Iraqi farmer with an AK across the street and sighted in. My finger was off the trigger, weapon on safe, using the scope to track his movements, next thing I know my green LT was threatening me with court martial for scaring a civilian. That is what some of our leaders are being taught which is disturbing, if for some reason the farmer was an insurgent and opened fire I would have been pulling color guard at their funeral. War !@#$ing sucks for those of us who have served and to have policies enacted by those who never served is !@#$ing appalling.
  13. How many in so far?
  14. Haha at least someone saw it, would have great to see the results if it stayed up but our spherical overlord made the right call on that one.
  15. If you want to make a charity wager I will come up with a number, I can't really gauge the FO since they only have 1 draft but they made moves last year so it could happen again.
  16. If you try to apply rational thought to drug users you are going to become frustrated very quickly.
  17. So Fred will have twice as many TDs and be within 150 yards rushing of Spiller? How about loser donates $20 to the winners charity of choice?
  18. My thoughts exactly, I see why some want to keep the picks but I still want Sammy to be a Bill.
  19. Not just TDs since that is only one facet of a running back but we could try to come up with a system that weighs everything equally.
  20. Great post, I got a DUI 12 years ago and will never get behind the wheel under the influence ever again. I hope he learns his lesson without injuring himself or others.
  21. Well this will hopefully my last March Madness without a job so I will be taking full advantage. Thursday will be low key early on since my school plays the late game, will be meeting up with a bunch of friends who also attended SDSU. Friday will most likely be an all day affair as I watch my brackets crash and burn. Gordio, thanks for the yearly "my plans are better than yours" post I am hoping to start something similar next year, I am insanely jealous of your plans. Go Cuse! Go Aztecs! Go whoever is playing Duke!
  22. Yup, those yards don't matter at all. The ball just appears at the 1 yard line for Freddie to punch in.
  23. Care to wager on their stats this year? You are so vocal about Fjax over CJ so put your money where your mouth is. I got $1000 on CJ, what you got? I will escrow the bet before the season with any number of long time posters. Put up or shut up.
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