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Everything posted by NDBUFFCUSEFAN

  1. Out here we have signs like this: Speed limits are a joke on freeways, people should drive as fast as they feel comfortable.
  2. You're right, me being a superior driving and wanting to go faster than the speed limit is totally unreasonable.
  3. 85 mph is nothing, I got pulled over for going 100 on my way to Vegas a couple years ago, cop gave me a warning and now I keep it under 90 and usually right at 85. I have a lot of experience driving including humvees and 7 tons while in Iraq so I am always aware of my surroundings. I also keep my car in top shape, good tires, rotated every 5k and regularly inspected.
  4. Because following the customs and courtesies of the road is too much to ask?
  5. Yeah I could have left that out, the amount I drive makes this a sensitive topic for me. I encounter tons of awful drivers and it really has taken it's toll on my patience. Luckily the girl leaves the service in June and no more almost weekly drives.
  6. If you cannot keep up with the flow of traffic you move over, is this really a difficult concept to comprehend? I am not advocating driving recklessly but if the conditions are manageable I don't need some idiot doing the speed limit in the fast lane.
  7. If she doesn't feel comfortable driving the speed limit then she shouldn't be driving.
  8. The left lane is the passing lane, people don't get to arbitrarily determine what speed is safe. I routinely go 85mph on the freeways because I know how to drive and if some !@#$ is too scared to speed they should stay in the right lane where they won't bother anyone.
  9. Your mind is made up so there is no reason to continue responding.
  10. You should probably learn about Wilsons contributions to the AFL, keeping the Raiders and Pats afloat, along with his role in the two leagues merging.
  11. I like it this year since it kicks off my bachelor party in Vegas.
  12. Licata is entering his Junior year, Kelly could transfer and sit this season. Be the backup next season as a Sophomore and then have two seasons as the starter. PTR you know more about UB than I do obviously so is this a reasonable plan?
  13. http://www.wgrz.com/story/sports/college/2014/04/14/chad-kelly-dismissed-clemson-football/7713741/ Pretty shocking, wonder where he ends up and what the transgressions were.
  14. I'll drive him, I have a medical card so I can get him a fresh supply for the ride.
  15. Did you get kicked by a bull today?
  16. I think multiple DUIs is malicious, the gun chargers are more the result of Californias awful gun laws and the bomb incident today was poor judgement. He clearly has issues and needs to resolve them, I see a lengthy suspension in his future.
  17. Man those producers looking to maximize profit sure are dirtballs, would you take a pay cut to see the movie feature Buffalo? No you wouldn't so why should they?
  18. Someone in the Air Force is wrong, not surprised .
  19. I don't always agree with PTR but when I do it is because someone thinks that taking a $700 million tax hit is a good idea.
  20. Please seek help.
  21. I love awful movies just as much as the great ones so I will definitely be seeing this one. In my opinion the terrible ones help you appreciate the great ones, I find my love of the Bills to be similar.
  22. Yeah it looks like his lack of leg muscles has really hindered his career.
  23. Or his body of work points to my second point being better supported.
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