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Everything posted by NDBUFFCUSEFAN

  1. Are you trying to be the worst poster here? Everytime you post I want to slam my head into a wall to forget I read it, if you are trolling well done. If you are serious I feel sorry for you.
  2. It chills me out, my main issue is nightmares where I am back in Iraq along with anxiety, there are days I don't want to leave my house because of my issues but a low dose of edible marijuana and I am ready to. My theory is that booze is the activity and marijuana is a precursor to the activity.
  3. Marijuana like anything in life should be used in moderation. Good on VanCity for recognizing the downside and moving on.
  4. Don't bring your mouth to a shovel fight.
  5. Marijuana is better than using opiates and it is useful for a lot of other ailments. I usually don't like to speak about my drug use on here but since so many of you are ignorant I will. I have PTSD, I have life long physical ailments, and I do not want to take the drugs from the VA to treat them because of their personality changing and addictive attributes. I use marijuana based medicine and my life is 100% better than the alternatives.
  6. Because it is fun and less harmful than booze. The drug laws in this country are beyond awful.
  7. Haha no way, I'll be drowning them in about a dozen crown and cokes while I take in the scenery.
  8. I'll be watching here Hoping the Bills take and the Vikings select So that I can laugh at my buddy who is coming in early with me. If the Bills do something stupid I will drown my sorrows here the following day
  9. Wow, she did a good job. Semper Fi!
  10. Legal yes Scummy yes I would never give my business to a place that treats their employees that way.
  11. If McGary failed a UM drug test it would have been 3 games, since the test occurred during the NCAA tourney he was under NCAA penalty, the NCAA also recently changed their drug suspension policy and it wouldn't have been an auto 1 year suspension as of Aug 1st. He got screwed by being a year too old and for making a young, dumb decision. JW cannot declare for this draft, how do people follow football and still get this wrong every year.
  12. If they knew Sherman was going to be the best CB in football someday they wouldn't have waited until the 5th. Yes they draft well but some of it is variance and they are running hotter than the sun.
  13. My apartment got dusty pretty quick tonight. RIP Martin Cobb. People have called me a hero for serving in the Corps, that kid is the definition of the word. His family should hold their head high knowing their son confronted a much older and larger person to defend his sister.
  14. Thursday will only be me and my pops most likely, the rest roll in Friday and we'll watch if it fits in but you are correct. Exactly, if it is on while we're boozing and getting ready, awesome. If not I am sure my Bills buddies not attending will be texting me the picks.
  15. Arrive in Las Vegas by 2pm for my bachelor party , check in, and head to a book to watch the first round. It will only be four of us for Thursday and we are all pretty big fans so we'll probably watch the whole first before shenanigans kick off. Friday the other 14 arrive so I don't know if I'll get to to see rounds two and three live.
  16. From what I have read I would conclude that he knew, those who have heard the entire tape have confirmed it and when I see it mentioned again I will link the article. NBA ownership is obviously a lot different than any other job, he is held to a higher level of conduct than Joe the plumber and if his actions lead to the league losing money then the owners have every right to kick him out of the club. The woman is also a POS for releasing this but it doesn't change what he said and the effects it could have on the league as a whole if he wasn't punished severely.
  17. Sterling is the longest tenured owner in the league, he knows the procedures for penalizing owners and yet he still couldn't hide his bigotry for a few more years. He knew he was being taped so there goes that stupid argument that I keep seeing. I thought a one year ban, $1 million fine and some community service would be a reasonable penalty but it looks like Silver couldn't resist the head shot. I am sure after watching Sterling act like a buffoon for all these years it was like a gift from the heavens to get rid of him less than a year after taking over.
  18. From what I have read they do this every time he does something good in hopes it offsets all the crap he does.
  19. Glad it's working, if you are on reddit there's an android subreddit that's a great resource for troubleshooting.
  20. Did you reboot the phone? If you have taken any other troubleshooting steps please list them as well along with your phone model. Also, what messaging app are you using?
  21. I had the same issue awhile back, I got a mount for my phone and customized the voice/one touch settings and now I hardly have to touch my phone to text/call/play music ect.
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