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Everything posted by Coastie

  1. Guy is a tool and i would expect his positions in those matters are so deeply ingrained be never even questioned it they shouldn't be in writing. And of all the things you can complain about in regards to NFL refs is that some women are being hired? Give me competence, I don't care about race, gender, sexuality, religion or anything else.
  2. Does this make KC a wild card? That would be awesome.
  3. Lol, I just out his show tomorrow on my dvr... Let's see what he has to say.
  4. Won't lie, I am leaning that way as well.
  5. Crazy to think as good as our offense is, our defense may be better.
  6. Looks like a rain lull right now... lets get some points!
  7. Show me how well coached this team is today! I believe but would love some confirmation.
  8. I will exhaust my alcohol supplies... Need to search my house for something smokeable.
  9. I picked him up for my Dynasty FF league about week six. After I won the league I bought one
  10. Got my Bass jersey on in time
  11. Starting with the Rousseau jersey, let's we some pressure.
  12. I have five jerseys laid out on my couch depending on who we need to make a play. Allen, White, Bass, Diggs or Rousseau. i know intellectually out doesn't matter but after the kicking display today i have to have that Bass jersey ready.
  13. You can make a great living as a backup in the NFL. good on him.
  14. I have no idea what should have been called there and neither did the refs.
  15. I have both in our Dynasty fantasy League as well as Henderson. I was scared when Michel got all those touches.
  16. Makes me think if the old saying, never trust a rich man who tells you the secret to success, they do not want your company. Or something like that. 😃
  17. He did admit albeit grudgingly that the Bills would be the best team in the NFL if they beat KC the other day.
  18. I just booked my room at the casino. Going to wear my Rousseau jersey and my kilt. Need the DL to ball out i think. Really hope Milano plays, may affect my betting.
  19. I put 100 bucks each on the Bills to cover and the over, don't let me down boys!
  20. I was stationed in the small town of Eureka, CA in '96. Got to know the owners of the only sports bar and as can be expected I was the only Bills fan around. A couple months after we lost in the playoffs, the owner "gifted" me this. Still on my Bills shelf all these years later. MIss that guy and his wife, they were top shelf even if they were Raiders fans.
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