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Posts posted by Coastie

  1. El Oh El


    @JeremyWGR: Word is the Patriots aren't doing any ESPN interviews for tonight because of Deflategate. #ThePatriotWay


    How the hell is it ESPN's fault the Colts made a report to the NFL, who investigated? Are they upset because someone who is paid to talk about sports had the temerity to actually criticize the anointed ones rather than just showering them with praise?


    Hey we got the two must division wins. Nothing to lose here. Play to win and let the chips fall where they may. Go Bills!


    I love that attitude and hope they adopt it. Pedal to the metal, full speed ahead, high risk... high reward and lets see if we can flip the script on Darth Bill for a change. Let him be caught guessing what is coming next.


    I know the talking heads always say that is one of Bill's strengths, that he gets in other coach's heads and makes them lose their game plan. In this case, we have the extra time and for a change the luxury of being able to absorb a loss and still be in position for the playoffs.

  3. Based on only that clip you posted, it looks more to me like he's goofing off with someone off camera, but who knows. Lots of professional athletes partake as a part of their pain management. It's far less addictive and has fewer side effects than "legal" pain killers, so it wouldn't surprise me.


    And honestly there are numerous players who said the prescription pain killers they ate like candy made them batsheet crazy half the time. I know requirements for medical marijuana are a standup comedy joke but I think there is a legitimate argument to be made for NFL players having a real need.


    The key to that is actually in the back 7. The CBs and LBs need to take away the quick stuff, which means man coverage everywhere.


    The QB is always the key to beating the pressure; if he can get the ball out to an open target consistently, the pressure won't get to him.


    We agree the key is stopping the quick stuff, we differ in how to focus to get there. I prefer doing it by attacking what I see as their one weakness, the OL. Nothing our DL does will matter if the back 7 are unable to hold up their end just like nothing the back 7 does will matter if the front 4 are invisible. I just prefer to focus the attack where they look to be weakest.

  5. How the Pats are camouflaging their OL flaws is the key. There is no reason we should not be able to capitalize on that O line even with the quick pass routes. You get to Brady as he releases and put a body on him 4 or 5 times and even he will start to flinch and dance a bit in the pocket. I don't want late hits or cheap shots, I want our theoretically more talented line to simply outplay their less talented line.


    To make that happen our staff needs to outdo the Pats staff and I do not know if they will.

  6. And what is beautiful is his legs were that fresh late and with the confidence the coaches and team has to have in Williams I hope we see a fresh McCoy in the 4th every game because like you said, he took over that last drive when everyone knew the run was option one and option two and option three was likely a run as well.

  7. This one is for the fans, not the team. How many times is that how you feel Sunday evening? Blue Oyster Cult and a bit of dating myself.



    You're seeing now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars,
    I've been living on the edge so long, where the winds of Limbo roar.
    And I'm young enough to look at,
    And far old to see, all the stars are on the inside.
    I'm not sure that's there's anything left to me

    Don't let these shakes go on!
    It's time we had a break from it,
    It's time we had some leave.
    We've been living in a place,
    We've been eating up our brains.
    Oh please don't let these shakes go on!

    You ask me why I'm willing, why I can't speak to you,
    You blame me for my silence, saying it's time I changed and grew.
    But the wars still going on dear,
    And there's no one that I know.
    And I can't stand forever.

    I can't say if were ever gonna be free,

    Don't let these shakes go on!
    It's time we had a break from it,
    It's time we had some leave.
    We've been living in a place,
    We've been eating up our brains,
    Oh please don't let these shakes go on!

    You're seeing now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars,
    My energy is spent at last, and my armor is destroyed,
    I have used up all my weapons, and I'm helpless and bereaved.

    Wounds are all I'm made of!
    Did I hear you say that this is victory?

    Don't let these shakes go on!
    It's time we had a break from it,Send me to the rear!
    Where the title madness swell,
    And been sliding into Hell.

    Oh please don't let these shakes go on!
    Don't let these shakes go on
    Don't let these shakes go on!

  8. They so far lack identity and often seem punch drunk like the protagonists actual drunkenness. And this is not a bad summary of the love/hate relationship of Buffalo fans with this team.


    There's a place where I know you walked
    The love falls from the trees
    My heart is like a broken cup
    I only feel right on my knees
    I spill out like a sewer hole
    Yet still receive your kiss
    How can I measure up to anyone new
    After such a love as this


  9. The best way to win in this league is to throw, throw more, and then throw it again. The line can't run block very well and they don't pass block much better. Three step drops and shot gun should be 80 % of the plays. Throw the ball to Shady, Clay, Watkins, and Woods. The WR's block for each other and move people better in space than the o-line. Cut Felton and the slow white TE. Sign another WR or H-back. Ditch this run first nonsense.

    Brady and the Patriots never stop throwing. They throw to burn the clock.

    The only other way is to let your QB run. RGIII, Newton, Wilson, and even Luck make plays with their feet as much or more than their arm. Taylor is even smaller than Wilson. He won't hold up. He needs to run to keep the defense honest but use his speed more to escape than designed runs.


    Let the kid throw. Live or die by the pass is the only hope they have now.


    You know what I want him to watch and figure out is how every time Brady runs a QB sneak he gets a yard. Every single time it seems. Whatever Brady and his center and guards are doing is working to perfection and we should copy it. Not piecemeal, copy it exactly since the entire league has been watching Brady execute it to perfection for 15 years and still can't stop it. I don't know why they do it so well but I am not an NFL offensive coordinator, he is.


    Don't reinvent the wheel, the blueprint for a great wheel is right there on 15 years worth of film, reverse engineer it.

  10. At least two posters have come to the conclusion that many of the late flags were a direct result of players "begging" for a call. I'd love to see some proof of this. More likely what fans are seeing is a ref who for whatever reason doesn't get the flag out of his pocket quickly....and therefore assumes it is a "late" flag.


    That being said, believe what you may.

    I've always wondered if sometimes the referee does not throw the flag until he sees the receiver did not catch the ball. I seem to think they'd rather if he catches it pretend the penalty didn't happen as long as the offense gets what they deserve so to speak.
  11. Why is anyone pissed off about THIS game?


    The reason this game pissed me off so much was this line 34,0,0,0.


    Points allowed, Sacks, Fumbles recovered, Interceptions.


    That stat line from what was last year one of the best Ds in the league, a D that is healthier than most and was a consensus top 10 D this year. At home. That is what pissed me off. As you said, I tempered my expectations for the offense due to injuries so I knew we would need the defense to step it up. I have to think the defense knew they had to step it up as well. And they laid a legitimate doughnut out there. A big fat pile of stinking doughnut.

  12. 1) The bottom line is that the Bills improved to 3-2, picked up another conference win and now have a critical showdown with the Bengals at the Ralph next Sunday.


    Nobody calling the Whiner Line will enjoy this one, but you should. Ugly wins count just the same in the standings and today's was a double-bagger that still tastes far sweeter than a loss surely would have.


    There is an old saying that says the worst sex I ever had was good. That philosophy applies to today's game, terrible win and it is good.

  13. I came away with one overwhelming thought. Let Tyrod be Tyrod, or don't play him. He will NOT succeed trying to be Peyton Manning. I think this is a coaching flaw, but perhaps I'm wrong.


    The tackling on this defense has to improve.


    That's where I am. He doesn't even have to run the ball, just move the damn pocket and put him in space where he can be a threat to do so. I hate watching him take a three or five step drop and never move an inch laterally.


    If he had not been stripped, no one would be talking about how he should have gone out of bounds. It's all Monday morning QB'ing.


    Why going out of bounds is being discussed is because of the risk to reward ratio of the decision to cut inside. There was very little reward and very real risk as we saw. The fact the risk does not actualize in the hypothetical you bring up does not make the decision any less wrong. Would it have be as impactful a mistake? No, of course not but it would have remained a mistake non the less.

  15. Please explain why. I can't think of a good reason (sincerely)


    Because if you use a player that is 40% owned versus one that is 4% owned, there are ten times as many people you have to beat with the rest of your lineup if you make the right low player usage selection. And usage rates can be surprising sometimes as the contrarian sentiment is very high in DFS. There are weeks marque players are not very highly owned due to other players favorable matchups or injuries to starters and if you know the week Tom Brady is not very highly owned and play him AND he performs well, you get an advantage. Just knowing who is low usage is not enough, they have to perform as well.

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