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Everything posted by Coastie

  1. Go Bucs! I am awfully good at this after I missed in week three of my own eliminator challenge.
  2. Bad year to have the first pick I agree but a GREAT year to trade it away and build picks an organization so sorely lacking in talent needs. IF they can find a buyer and IF they are smart and gutsy enough (you know the fans will be screaming for one player or another at #1) they could do very well out of this, as you put it, tank,
  3. Tampa Bay is getting healthy, Winston is practicing, Evans cleared protocol and even Doug Martin made an appearance in practice. It may be that I just can't imagine a second good game from Cutler and Bears backup offensive linemen but I think Tampa wins this one.
  4. I've always thought if full time, they would have debrief film sessions after every game of their game and then a highlight of all games, especially where mistakes were made. I mean 12-14 hours of film review every week and as full time employees you could do that and I think it would go a long way to standardizing penalty calls across the league if they saw what was done well and done poorly over and over.
  5. I agree. I have told my friends that if i was starting a team and could draft any player in history to play for me, after QB, the first player I would take is Anthony Munoz because I would not have to worry about LT again for 15 years.
  6. Hope he is claiming all those airline miles.
  7. No doubt he could have summed it up perfectly to all the other Cub fans: "Where else would you rather be than right here, right now?"
  8. That was frickin' surreal. Without a doubt one of the most memorable games I have watched.
  9. It has been a long time since I was stationed there but the best place to watch sports was the Stick and Stein pool hall/sports bar. It was away from the strip and more regularly frequented by locals. I remember watching Elway win a Super Bowl there. No idea if it is still open or has changed names so really not much help.
  10. Dolphins have been fun, Only one time in my life. Its laces out Dan.
  11. Digging a bit deeper it is reported by the LA Daily News as well but they do acknowledge it COULD have been said in jest. http://www.dailynews.com/sports/20161009/bonsignore-jeff-fisher-cost-rams-a-chance-to-win-but-he-wont-admit-it
  12. Seriously dude? Bad call is a bad call. https://twitter.com/MatthewFairburn/status/785287262313459716
  13. The 1970s were miserable huh? Kind of crazy being a Bills fan for 8 years (joined the herd in 1973) before we ever get a win against a certain team in our own division. Winning ugly is still winning was never better exemplified than in that game. 15 turnovers total or something crazy like that.
  14. Heck yeah, keep it up Lorax!
  15. Who knew the Y2K crash prediction was actually about the Bills' playoffs hopes.
  16. I always thought the same as well and wanted to know what a "scripted" drive is. Like you it seems absurd that the first 15 plays are designed to be played in order regardless of down, distance or field position. I also considered that basically the script is more of a list of plays like the first 5 plays for 1st and ten, the first 5 plays for 2nd and 4-7 yards etc. I just have never been real clear on what a scripted drive is exactly.
  17. While watching the last game I saw someone wearing number 90 and thought "Wow, good to see someone who remembers Hansen" only to later realize Shaq Lawson took 90 and it was likely his jersey.
  18. I had already committed to friends and family to play in several cash fantasy football leagues this year or I would do the exact same. My intention now is to cut satellite TV as soon as football is over this year (ESPN and the networks have become cesspools and every other cable show is some personality driven reality show), and if the NFL doesn't get its act together on several issues I'll be letting my fandom become very casual and by that I mean no more memorabilia and MAYBE streaming 550 AM on gameday. Thats it. You and I are about the same age, I just started on the Bills train earlier than you did (44 and possibly my last year) but looks like we may be getting off at the same stop.
  19. I got hooked on the Bills by OJ's 2,003 yards in 1973. We went to the playoffs the next year if I recall and it was all downhill from there for about 5 years as I recall. The 2-12 year was the nadir and the only year I can remember being as depressing as this one.
  20. Five days into the Bills' season and I am right there with you. That has to be a record... I got to have hope this season for only FIVE days.
  21. Since the thread seems to have devolved, I'll play along. (And Heavy Metal cartoon violence ahead but I think all the cartoon naughty bits are gone)
  22. I live in Kentucky so I get the Bengals local radio and they constantly lash out about how flawed that ownership and coaching and management is and every time I hear that I just think the commentators and callers have no idea how bad it can be.
  23. I am going to go positive... one week even a crappy week means nothing. I always remember the week one game where we crushed New England and at the end of the season they were in the playoffs and we weren't. Of course you could look at this as a metaphor for endless futility so, meh, I cover my bases both ways I guess.
  24. My exact thought was this team needs Talley more than anyone else not in the Hall of Fame. Leadership and discipline could make this talented defense one of the greats.
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