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Posts posted by Coastie

  1. I get what you're saying - to a point. But you know how long it's been since we swept the season series with the Pats***?


    1999, that's when. Even an otherwise wrecked season would have a certain - and not insignificant - reason to gloat. Reminds me of the days when a victory over the Phins was a great, great good feeling.


    The 1970s were miserable huh? Kind of crazy being a Bills fan for 8 years (joined the herd in 1973) before we ever get a win against a certain team in our own division. Winning ugly is still winning was never better exemplified than in that game. 15 turnovers total or something crazy like that.

  2. You think he had a script for 3rd and 12 already figured in? Maybe Pegs or Rex found that script and figured that if he knew he couldn't make things work, maybe it was time to find someone with a little faith....


    I agree with scripted plays, but I don't think you can stick to them as situations (down and distance) changes.... But that would explain the 5 yard out's on 3rd and 7+


    I always thought the same as well and wanted to know what a "scripted" drive is. Like you it seems absurd that the first 15 plays are designed to be played in order regardless of down, distance or field position. I also considered that basically the script is more of a list of plays like the first 5 plays for 1st and ten, the first 5 plays for 2nd and 4-7 yards etc. I just have never been real clear on what a scripted drive is exactly.



    Okay. A not unpopular opinion around here. But then what?


    Keep going to games? Keep buying gear?


    Actually stop watching?


    Me, I have been following since 88. I have been detached last year and this year. I cancelled cable TV this year (g'bye NFLN and ESPN and RedZone). I found another team in another sport on another continent to follow, since I cant root for any other american team. I'm so bad that it wasnt until this Tuesday that I actually realized the Bills play on Thursday night.


    Fool me 15 times, shame on me. As I approach 50, I realize that every hour is precious.


    Your plan?


    I had already committed to friends and family to play in several cash fantasy football leagues this year or I would do the exact same. My intention now is to cut satellite TV as soon as football is over this year (ESPN and the networks have become cesspools and every other cable show is some personality driven reality show), and if the NFL doesn't get its act together on several issues I'll be letting my fandom become very casual and by that I mean no more memorabilia and MAYBE streaming 550 AM on gameday. Thats it. You and I are about the same age, I just started on the Bills train earlier than you did (44 and possibly my last year) but looks like we may be getting off at the same stop.

  4. Does anyone remember a season where the fans and media gave up on this team so quickly? I've never seen it like this so early and that includes the 3-13 season. Maybe because that year, we knew we were going to be bad.


    But seriously, I can't find a single article of hope, optimism, anything.


    I got hooked on the Bills by OJ's 2,003 yards in 1973. We went to the playoffs the next year if I recall and it was all downhill from there for about 5 years as I recall. The 2-12 year was the nadir and the only year I can remember being as depressing as this one.

  5. Dammit in 40+ years of Fandom this for sure is the most depressed and resigned I've ever been after the 2nd freaking game


    Five days into the Bills' season and I am right there with you. That has to be a record... I got to have hope this season for only FIVE days.

  6. I think a lot of angst comes from witnessing the patriots sunday night and coming to the realization that they are just a well oiled football program, and they will be just fine after brady is gone. That is who the bills need to strive for. Rex is the opposite of belichick in almost every way. I dont see whaley, brandon, or pegula getting us there. The bills will likely never get to belichick level... but why cant they get to the ravens, broncos, cardinals, seahawks level? Those are all teams who have bottomed out lower than buffalo in somewhat recent history. At least then its a fair fight.


    How can the bills ever see a home playoff game if they struggle getting the plays in on time?


    I live in Kentucky so I get the Bengals local radio and they constantly lash out about how flawed that ownership and coaching and management is and every time I hear that I just think the commentators and callers have no idea how bad it can be.

  7. The part I have the most issue with is the NFL has zero issue with team doctors prescribing opiates for injuries and pain but refuse to accept weed for pain management. Less damaging in the long run for certain and as someone who had an ex who was on morphine for a back issue, opiates are bad news across the board.


    Sadly I think the league believes if weed is used for pain management then players will smoke it recreationally as well. And I say so what, my ex took that morphine recreationally, trust me and I am sure there are players who keep taking opiates long after the need it for pain management.

  8. Like Smith or not, this decision is just stupid. Smith has been a winning coach before. They had no QB last year and a rookie this year. What the hell do people expect? Someone will take the job but if Winston starts stealing crab legs again then what? Does the next coach need to have a winning record after eight games? What if the next coach loses a preseason game or god-forbid looks bad in a scrimmage against intra-state rival Miami?


    How can owners and GM's running billion dollar businesses make such horrible decisions?


    The NFL is one of the few products out there where you can run your organization terribly and still be a success businesswise. Someone would have to literally have to try to torpedo the organization to make it fail, I mean the movie Major League type machinations and even that might not do it.

  9. Oh great. I have no love for Rex, but starting over is the only thing this franchise has done consistently that is except lose. How about for once we get some continuity for a change. If I'm the owner I let his contract play out for better or worst. Of course this would be against company policy.


    I'll agree with one caveat and that is if they can get a commitment from a legitimate coach who will likely (nothing is certain) be an improvement. I don't think we should fire Ryan after one year with nothing better already waiting.

  10. As much as I'd love to sympathise, you chose to sign for them. You know what Chip does and you followed the money anyway. Can't have it both ways.


    Ding Ding Ding. He refused to give a hometown discount to play in a system he knew for coaches he knew behind a line he trusted to make a few EXTRA millions and he had that right. Now he needs to shut his piehole and reap the consequences of his decision.

  11. I know for a fact that you are wrong. I already know how the game turns out and what the headlines will be but like a good citizen, I am keeping them to myself, so as not to hurt my fellow fans enjoyment of the game as it unfolds.


    Wow, what a flashback because I did that for real. I was piloting my Patrol Boat to Kuwait City in 2004 while the Super Bowl was on and since we had arranged to have someone record the game we had a blackout on any information. Some jackhole let the cat out of the bag over the VHF radio so I knew the result and had to bite my tongue as the rest of the crew watched the game.


    The funniest thing was the guy who dropped the tape off would only tell us to make sure we watched the halftime show, didn't care it was a game that came down to the wire.

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