Who would have thought I would need gloves for this game? I trimmed my nails so I wouldn't have anything to chew on and if I don't put on gloves I think I will end up gnawing my fingers to the bone. Will it never be gametime?!?
Then he is a buffoon. The new Josh was evident by then and ol' Lombardi must be over committing to a bad assessment. Got to know when to take the L and go on to a new battle.
Meh. There were legit concerns about our boy Allen before the year started. They have all clearly been answered. Now, if he sticks to that June take here in January then yes, it may be the worst evaluation. If he recognized the data points have changed and changed his assessment then he is no different than a great percentage of the media.
Its a great word and fits perfectly. It also sounds cool... Ah-coo-tre-ment. Admittedly if is more often used in the sense of a military kit but those days are long gone for me 😁
I fought the urge to have a few drinks all evening. I knew a few would become more and that would be better saved for tomorrow. I would love to get a little loose to relax and maybe even let me get to sleep on time but I'll just be extra loose tomorrow.
Immigrant Song of course
"We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new land
To fight the horde and sing, and cry
Valhalla, I am coming"
Even so, he is 43 for goodness sake. He would be in the HOF already if he had retired at the average age a QB does but instead he is heading to the playoffs.
I hate to admit that he has far exceeded my expectations. My brother is an OG TB fan, adopted them in '76. I told him no way can Brady carry a team any more. Sum'buck is 43 years old and still balling out. HOW?
That pleases me, I would like to see Jackson win a playoff game. And if he played the Bills, well I think his record of playoff futility would continue.