Hadn't considered it but, if byes were as usual we have all that hanging over our head this week instead of rinsing it off our souls last week. Thanks for the perspective!
Good for you Lamar, you have certainly earned it. People love the guy. Here in Louisville one of the local radio stations became a Baltimore affiliate and broadcast their games every week. Molly Malones (local sports bar) became Ravens central and even renamed themselves The Raven.
And this is three years after he left a basketball state.
I certainly wouldn't term it hate on my end but much disappointment at what he gave us versus what we spent on him. A lot of what could have beens attached to that draft pick.
I am fighting hard to not start drinking because I want some clarity in the second half and I know when I pop the top on that rum bottle it is going to taste soooooo good.
Glad you enjoyed your time here. Born and raised in Louisville, went to U of L, absolutely no way I pull for Lamar this week and hope I don't have a chance to pull for him next week. Here is to a great game 🍺 and everyone walking away healthy.
I won't go that far but I would lie if I said a Bills Superbowl tattoo has not crossed my mind. I have one tattoo to represent 21 years in the service that I got when I retired. I have 47 years Bills fandom so getting that SB win would merit it in my mind.
It is way too early to be this wired for a game. Glad I saved my grocery shopping until today just so I have a reason to get away from in front of the TV and computer.
I put 100 on the Bills, 40 on the Steelers and 20 on a Bucs, Saints, Bills parley (mine and my brothers teams). Paid for it all with a 100 bet on the Bills over the Patsies 😁