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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. Let’s hope it means more Sunday 1:00pm games then!
  2. Resounding NO! The most frustrating thing about basketball is how slow it gets at the end of the game. These are some of the most elite athletes on the planet and between fouls and timeouts the game screeches to a halt. To me it’s boring and frustrating to watch. “Oh the other man tapped my arm”. Game stop. Boring. Playoff hockey on the other hand is some of the most exciting action in the critical times of the game. The refs take a step back and the whistle is put away the speed hits another level and the action is non-stop. Unfortunately TV doesn’t showcase the speed and the Sabres have stunk for 12 seasons and counting… So between March Madness and Super Bowl….Super Bowl is better.
  3. You have captured the reality distortion to perfection!
  4. The line from Moneyball keeps coming to mind when Justice is told how much the Yankees and Billy Boy thought of him. So here goes…Hey Stef. The Buffalo Bills think so little of you that they are paying $31 million dollars of their cap space to play against you. That’s how little they think of you. That’s something isn’t it.
  5. I did not know this man nor do I know his family but I do know that we all shared and share something special together….the love of the Bills. Things like this make me remember that it is more than a game and it is about more than a team. It’s about being a part of something. That’s why I donated. Bills Mafia! Thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of James.
  6. Prayers/good thoughts/positivity from my family of 4 to yours!
  7. This question/topic frustrates me for a few reasons. 1. An opinion is debatable but not able to be proven. 2. Stereotypes are an oversimplification of a larger subject matter- good or bad. But thanks for questioning the vast majority of us, based on a minute few, as potentially being “less than” after a gut punch defeat once again. Go Bills and more importantly GO BILLS MAFIA!!!
  8. Not even slightly. As time passes and experience is gained you are supposed to become more aware of the reality of opportunities or lack thereof. The age of the team, cap space, and consistency of coming up short does not bode well for this team. I, for what it’s worth, am not as angry or bewildered. I am devastated. Heartbroken. This felt special since 6-6. Bottom line the better team won. And THAT means we aren’t anywhere near closer.
  9. I’m there too but come on. We get to enjoy the fruits of Josh’s labor at least. He’s there with his legacy on the line playing other worldly and the other side of the ball as plays horrifically
  10. I’m not bleeding nor taking a beating. I don’t know about your home life.
  11. This feels tragically unfair to Josh Allen
  12. My son is going to be 14 next Friday. We live north of Albany NY. Solidly in Giants, Jets, And Patsy country. I put him and my daughter (less into it) in Bills gear from birth. One of my greatest memories in my entire life and certainly the greatest memory of being a Bills fan is when my son wanted to watch the end of the Bengals/Ravens game that year. I thought it was over but he insisted. Dalton throws the TD and my 9 year old son dives into my arms with tears in his eye screaming with joy! This is a great privilege to have in our lives. But what may be to come could create memories like that one for so so many! Go Bills!!
  13. Interesting what a few years in a system to learn behind a future HOF QB and adjust to the speed of the NFL can do for a young man with talent.
  14. Too big a stage for the young Texan team. Glad it happened. Bring them back to earth. Too bad the Browns couldn’t have had a shot as I think some teams just match up better.
  15. Concern but only because of the injuries. Feel like the offense has found a little confidence and swagger. But that D has been through hell and back and add in the issues with special teams. It is a lot to overcome. They can do it! But it’s asking a lot.
  16. I had a high school hockey coach that would always say heading into the third period with a lead “Hey guys if we win this period we will win the game.” He said it with such enthusiasm each and every time. The athletic director was quoted saying about him “He lacked for so MANY things it was hard to find him at fault for any results”
  17. You are being funny right? I’m going to give it to you that this is very funny.
  18. 100% missed call. Add another log on the refs are horrible fire! But to say that play definitively impacted the ultimate outcome is a very long stretch. Also who in their right mind thinks the NFL wants anything but large market teams to advance? Hhaha
  19. Man that makes zero sense because all of that garbage is the stuff you must be watching on your one streaming platform….because that is ALL available to you. Clearly you do not know what you are talking about. But hey I jokingly admitted that this is all first world problems so honestly I consider it a privilege to be frustrated by it…or at least try to remind myself of that fact. The original point to all of this was that the NFL and these platforms are using the initial draw of streaming against us fans. It’s unfortunate. Go Bills!
  20. You clearly have very limited interests or people in your home. By comparison to view what my household enjoyed for years with DTV on multiple TVs/rooms with record/playback/ppv capabilities with every sports team we wanted to watch….requires multiple streaming services with far less ease of use, functionality, and QUALITY! Oh and costs more and doesn’t get anywhere near the included content specifically sports. But thanks for your input.
  21. Wasn’t the narrative from most media that Carrol wanted to continue to coach? How amicable could this situation be….
  22. I’m sorry the NFL is a professional place of work. That sounds ridiculous but they are called PROFESSIONALS right? How the hell is this not worthy of significant suspension?
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