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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. No thank you. Get tougher on offensive line and an average RB becomes good.
  2. I love if, when, and maybe scenarios. They are 100% accurate when the if happens and maybe does not as well as when maybe happens and if does also. But I do know that it is a lot of fun when you go online and there is a topic that maybe controversial but if all the folks can discuss it civilly they may all enjoy themselves! I am exhausted but can’t sleep….Go Bills!
  3. This was a good angry runs segment with better nominees than most weeks. I think if you put a definition on angry runs it might sound something like - a ball carrier who initiates violent contact to over power/run/destroy your opponent to gain yardage. The way yesterday unfolded the winner was chosen over the KC dude due to the fact he chose to run through the guy vs making a move. I can see why Singletary didn’t get picked as it may appear that he was alluding contact while still running hard….just my opinion. Was a hell of a run and set the tone for sure that the Bills were there to play! Go Bills!
  4. All 11 of my personalities singing the shout song.
  5. Now that is a stat I can smile about.
  6. Nothing like an eleven year old clutching his chest after a play to know you raised him right!
  7. I bet if he knew that was gonna happen before the play he still would have done it! #19!
  8. Worth saying again. #19 having himself a game.
  9. Probably shouldn’t wait until the actual goal line to try and get the ball back.
  10. I’d really like to see Mac Jones get hit hard as he’s throwing the ball so that they intercept it. Anyone else? I mean it would be fun to see and might make some of their fans bummed out. Which would also be fun to see.
  11. I’m frustrated by that defensive effort.
  12. How many touchdowns do they have to score before they start to count?
  13. I’m really hoping for a patsies turnover here. Anyone else? I mean it would be nice.
  14. I think as it stands now for every 5 days I work 1.5 of them go to pay for the administrative fees of the charitable organization we live in…. ; )~
  15. Has anyone ever spoken highly of Brady’s character outside of NE? I mean the guy just seems like a miserable SOB. Oh yeah and has been caught cheating twice. Also that whole thing during the shut down when he walked into some random persons house thinking it was a coaches place….which they weren’t suppose to be doing. Yeah he’s a gem of guy. Real solid example of class…..donkey. To clarify I am calling him a donkey. Not anyone here. I know we are all sensitive souls.
  16. 1- This is two games in a row where they faced pretty serious in game adversity and responded well. 2- Josh Allen’s confidence does not seem to waiver during a game despite what we all feel in those same moments. 3- Guys like Davis, Singletary, Obada, and to an extent Brown stepping up is exactly what happened last year to make this team so dangerous and they did it yesterday. Go Bills!
  17. And this reminds me of my Statistics professor at the University of Rochester decades ago saying on the first day of class…statistics are the best because you can use them to show something to be great even when it isn’t. And vice versa. Pretty cool huh. He got my attention but I quickly realized- no. No it isn’t.
  18. OP-I would love to say I admire your optimism but there are those that would call your view overly optimistic and I think that is the camp I fall in…with all due respect. In my opinion, for what it is worth as a former player of this fine game with the Bills OC at Rochester, a team that chooses to run the ball and telegraphs their intent to run until you prove they need to do otherwise and wins…..means- YOU GOT YOUR BUTT KICKED IN. You can point to the punts and 3 and outs as success but they ran when they wanted and how they wanted …..which was the whole game. They won. No moral victories. They got smoked on both sides of the ball unfortunately. What this year has come to is that the expectation of winning is gone. That’s true for a lot of teams this year. We are back to hoping for a good showing and execution and a W. Back to an any given Sunday hope. We got less than one year of expecting to win and that is criminal….again in my humble opinion. Should we anoint the patsies….not yet clearly…however they are the most consistent AFC team so far and have done it in several different fashions….so….more of the same…again. Lastly, Go Bills! There is always a chance!
  19. You know what an interesting stat would be - sacks from missed assignments by RBs vs Oline. Or even just sacks that are blown assignments vs a guy that beats his block. Another one would be coverage sack. Something to the extent of QB held ball after x amount of time. I think it would give you an idea of whether it’s scheme, talent, both, or maybe nothing. Sort of like calling the Strahan sack on Favre a sack….when Favre flopped to give him the credit. Find out what’s a sack and what’s someone else’s bs. Not worth anything other than….I’d find it interesting anyway.
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