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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. Someone tell the Bengals they are playing with back up lineman and the Bills should be getting more pressure because it doesn’t sound like ANYONE got that memo.
  2. Well this is as BORING as it comes.
  3. No respect for people who cheat. No respect for those that benefit from cheating. And certainly no respect for their accomplishments because of cheating. So nope I probably won’t ever change my opinion of him.
  4. That time out has to force them into 4 down territory yeah?
  5. You have got to be joking with that effort
  6. Is this the bend don’t break d
  7. I know! And my son has a hockey game starting at 4:30! He’s so pissed he’s missing this and I am about to be upset about missing the end!
  8. Let’s not have the refs feel the need to be a part of this game.
  9. YARDS AFTER CATCH!!! and touch down!!! Im so happy right now.
  10. UGH!!!! Muff punt come on dude
  11. Man we need more 4 man pressure.
  12. Little frustrated with the no calls on all the delay of games they should have had on them.
  13. With all that has been going their way…eff em. I’ll take it : )
  14. Phew. Ok boys. Well done. Now keep up the pressure on D and get this thing rolling again. Go BILLS!
  15. We need a defensive touchdown cuz clearly Josh isn’t interested at this moment.
  16. This game feels like it’s the slowest one ever and for it to be going this sideways is like cruel and unusual punishment. Wtf. Come on Bills let’s go now!
  17. Sorry to read about losing your sister. Clearly loved her very much. Peace and prayers to you and your family!
  18. Yeah yeah someone already mentioned that. Was looking at it too early and on the fly -literally airport- and also Jags and Bucs being division winners just didn’t register at that hour. If this is such predetermined news why does anyone post it haha
  19. Sadly 99% of commentators drive me to put the volume so low I can’t hear their blathering on about what random overly analyzed stat is being piped into their ears or sent across their monitors. Plus these “prime time” guys only know the national sound bite. So miss the Sunday 1pm crews who have to do the work themselves and not have it prepped for them by some intern. Does anyone actually look to see who is calling a game and think “Oh I should tune into that one”….if they do I don’t want to know ya!
  20. Right on. Too early and reading it on the fly…I think Jags and Bucs actually being division winners threw me a bit too.
  21. So basically matched up AFC west NFC east and then randomly 3 playoff teams… Not sure that passes the sniff test of fair and equitable but so much changes year to year I suppose example Rams and the “oh yeah AFC west is going to be super good and AFC East teams will be a few years away. “ Media can go fly a kite. Hey get it done NOW boys! Go Bills!
  22. Shouldn’t be interviewing anyone on the Jags offense…the D won that game.
  23. How bout them Cowboys is worse.
  24. Empty hand pushing the ball forward is a considered a fumble I think is the way it is worded.
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