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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I live in Houston now. Last time my brother came to visit it happened to be a Bills/Dolphins weekend. We went to the bar, and drank on one tab. Loser (which ended up being him) paid.
  2. My brother is a Dolphins fan. He's the one exception I make for this rule. I'll call him right away.
  3. Honestly, even though we lost. Probably the playoff game. Just watching a game that actually mattered for the first time in my adult life was fun.
  4. Can we have a weekly segment where we argue about Flutie/Johnson?
  5. In their defense, "remember" as opposed to "thank" probably means one that's passed on.
  6. Yeah. Even back when I played on PS2, I always bought my sports games a year or two behind. I got Madden 17 for like 5 bucks. Got NHL 16 for like 3. The only reason I bought the The Show '17, which was like 20 something, instead of 16 for like, is because my friend has 17, so we can play each other online.
  7. I refer to it whenever I get into arguments about people being a "true fan" or not. I switched baseball allegiances from the Indians to the Astros. But in perfect accordance with these rules because A: I moved from Buffalo, which doesn't have a local MLB team to root for. B: I rooted for the Indians because they were the Bisons' parent club. Then switching farm teams on us, is the equivalent of a team abandoning a city.
  8. http://www.espn.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/020227 I know this article is old, and I'm sure it's been posted before. But I find it hard to argue with. What's everybody else's thoughts?
  9. Hate the Patriots*. Hate the Bruins, but that's just the Sabres fan in me. Not a basketball fan, so really have no opinion on the Celtics, but I like their court. Lol. However, I absolutely hate the Yankees. Probably more than I hate the Patriots*. I actually considered Boston a "Second team" back in the very early 2000's because the Indians who were my favorite team at the time, sucked. So I rooted for Boston come playoff time, simply because I appreciated their hatred of the Yankees. Also, I liked them when Torey Lovullo (former Bisons player and manager) was the interim manager.
  10. I got around to playing Madden 17 this weekend. Forgot how much our roster has changed in that short period of time. Half the guys are gone. Call of Duty is fun, but when I try online mode, I get killed instantly every time. Guess I'm just not ready for that yet.
  11. You do realize it goes by when they commit the crime, not when the trial is, right? Also, even if he is a scumbag, he has the right to a quick and speedy trial.
  12. My mother's maiden name is Kelly. Around the same time Jim was fighting cancer, I had a grandmother and cousin, both with the last name Kelly, die of cancer. So whenever someone used the phrase "Kelly Tough" to describe his fight with cancer, it always had a more emotional meaning for me.
  13. I played that about a year ago on a cheap Sega I found. Default teams are Buffalo and Dallas (since they were the last two teams in the Super Bowl). I was never able to win, despite having what should be the 2nd best team in the game. One day I start the system up, and accidentally pick the Cowboys. No big deal. The game is so old, I'm sure there's almost no difference. Then I realize what I'm doing wrong. Jim Kelly comes out, and plays No huddle football the whole game. I didn't think the AI would have been that advanced at that point to play a team's specific style like that.
  14. Anybody else here follow baseball at the college level? I started following it when I moved to Houston, simply because the season started in early February, and I needed my baseball fix. Now I'm a three year season ticket holder, and if I'm being honest, probably care more about the Cougars than the Astros.
  15. You may not know this, but I'm a fan of classic country.
  16. This is why I know I'm gonna cry when we win it all. Not so much for the Bills winning it, which I know I'll be ecstatic for. But all my grandparents, my uncle, and my cousin who have all passed on were die hards. So it'll be bittersweet celebrating something they never got to experience.
  17. Honestly, why do we care what a guy drafted to a team in another conference does? There really doesn't have to be a competition. If they both turn out to be great, good for Rosen. Just don't want him to win against the Bills.
  18. Sidebar: My parents got into this hypothetical argument while my mom was pregnant with me. My mom asked what would happen if the baby ended up being gay. My dad skirted around the question, and stormed out of the room.
  19. Only because chicks are too intimidated to approach me when they see my sick guitar hero skills.
  20. I'll probably buy guitar hero. Basically the same thing as playing a real guitar.
  21. Not necessarily Bills. But as dumb as it sounds, I grew up a die hard Indians fan because the Bisons were their farm club from when I was 5 till I was 19. When it was announced that the Indians were dropping us, I don't think I cried, but I was quite upset.
  22. Any suggestions on racing games? Something relatively simple, where the focus is more on racing than car building? It's weird, I'm the farthest thing from a car guy, but I love playing car racing games. I used to have a Hotwheels Turbo Racing game for PS1 which was actually a lot of fun. Just pick your car, and race.
  23. I was once down and out about this chick I was chasing around at work. Came here to vent and get some sympathy. Got no sympathy. Got told to man the !@#$ up and ignore her crazy ass. Exactly what I needed.
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