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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I only root against you guys one game every four years. (Unless we end up meeting in the Super Bowl, in which case, two.) Especially the last few years, because I went to high school with Jake Schum.
  2. Are you saying the idea of watching 7-5 Middle Tennessee Tech play 6-6 Northeastern Iowa State play each other in the TurboTax bowl doesn't send goosebumps of excitement down your spine?
  3. Wait, so if my wife is an idiot, would that make me an idiot once we're married?
  4. Alex Guerro looks like the kind of guy that would try to get you involved in some sort of herbalife/plexus pyramid scam.
  5. With the way we're playing, I doubt it.
  6. Two questions. One for you, and one for her. First for her, why can't she just have you text it to her, since you obviously already have her number? For you. Since you know she's gonna ask anyway, why don't you just be proactive and post the damn address?
  7. My great aunt lived literally across Tift from Holy Family School. My great uncle (other side of my dad's family) Owned Hempling's Drug Store.
  8. Girls were girls, and men were men. The way Glenn Miller played. Before the welfare state. That's what the good old days were.
  9. I feel sorry for the guy, to be honest. It must be tough going through life with a 2.5 in wiener.
  10. Defending AFC Wildcard Spot #2 Champs
  11. What should the Buffalo Bills official slogan be for 2018?
  12. The Packers are where I go to for proof that people don't hate the Patriots* out of some sort of weird jealousy. Outside of division rivals, and maybe Cowboys fans from the 90s, I don't think I've ever met anybody that hates the Packers.
  13. Damn shame. I really liked Aaron Laffey. Spent a considerable amount of time playing for the Bisons actually. I remember one game he went 9 innings, and had like seven double plays.
  14. **Holds back tears** No! I'm a big strong man!
  15. That's what NFL Europe was for. Honestly, I only think it failed because it was in Europe. If they tried an experimental league here, but in secondary cities, essentially where a AAA baseball team would play, I think it would be successful simply because it's football during the offseason.
  16. Truth. Especially when I was a kid and got a free cup of popcorn.
  17. Not exactly points. But I remember a sweet punt by Moorman inside the 20 last time we played at Lambeau.
  18. I once had my breaks go out in traffic. Thankfully it was slow rush hour traffic so I just pulled onto the median. Also ran out of gas once because I didn't feel like stopping at a gas station. Made it home. Couldn't start it the next morning. Kept trying to start it anyway. Learned me a lesson to the tune of $800. The best car problem I had was my alternator going out. I called my brother who's a mechanic and told him what was happening. He told me to pull into the closest parking lot, because I wasn't gonna make it home. Made it to a bar that had $2 wells that night. I didn't wannna drink. But I didn't want to be rude either, ya know. So I had a whiskey or four while waiting on the tow truck.
  19. or what the logo actually is. I've always felt it was a bad knockoff of our logo. Blue figure with a red streak. But the silver "elvis" face added in makes it just kind of creepy.
  20. Any comments about how we drove that close to a lake? Or left the jack there? Any sort of insult you'd like to hurl at me? Name you want to call me?
  21. Top This: A few years ago, I went camping in Texas Hill Country with my cousin and uncle. We were on this gigantic ranch. After my uncle went to bed, My cousin and I decided to drive around the property. We found a lake, and drove right up to the lake. The ground we drove on, was really dry... until about 6 inches deep. The truck got stuck in what was essentially quicksand. My uncle left his phone in his truck to charge, so he didn't hear our calls. We spent the night in the car, and he finally called us back the next morning. My tried pulling us out with a rope, nothing. We decided to try jacking the truck up to make it easier to pull, nothing. So we decided to go back to camp, get some food and water in us, then go back and try, or call a tow truck at least. We all jump up in the truck, and drive off. A mile down the road, just as luck would have it, we run over a sharp rock and get a flat tire. No biggie, we'll just put the spare on. Except the fact that the only jack we had, was in the only other vehicle we had, two miles back at the lake. About 20 oz of luke warm water between the three of us. So we had to hike two and a half miles each way, through giant hills, in the Texas heat. Got the jack, just to find out the last time my uncle had the tires rotated, the people at the dealership put the lugnuts on too tight that none of us could get them off with a regular lug wrench. Including my offensive lineman cousin. So we drove back on unpaved roads to camp, and had to get a two for one special from the tow truck driver. Ended up just staying an extra night.
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