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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Not sure if you've ever read the back of a ticket for a concert or a sporting event before. Its fine print, so you'll literally need a magnifying glass to read it. It basically says the venue, team, or performer isn't responsible if you get hit by a baseball, etc. I'm sure the lawyers got it covered when you buy the parking passes.
  2. Because in a town that has a three time Stanley Cup winner, a basketball dynasty headed by the GOAT and a team snapping a 108 year curse...we still worship a team whose fame is built on a ****ty cable TV public access rap video.
  3. I'd argue that the stories I've heard come out of Oakland and Philly, are far more dangerous than drunken frat boys having harmless fun, that if anybody gets harmed, its themselves.
  4. Nah. I know they're gonna !@#$ it up, so I don't even bother and just order McNuggets.
  5. Lol. It was actually a seafood place. I hate seafood, but they made a really good hamburger when they did it right. About a half pounder, and a bunch of fries for less than $5. However I did boycott McDonalds once. I worked the overnight shift at the Walgreen on the corner of Abbott and Ridge Rd. Didn't own a car at the time. Went there around 2:30am on my lunch break. Only the drive thru was opened. I walked up, and they refused to serve me. Boycott lasted about a week and a half.
  6. Please don't do that to me. I see you post and make the assumption that there's some news, or at least a rumor from a verified source. I'm sending the hospital bill to you next time.
  7. Haven't been to a home game in years, so correct me if I'm wrong, most of it happens in the private lots from what I understand. The official team parking lots are relatively strict from all the underage drinking arrests and such I read about every Monday. So the team themselves wouldn't be reasonable. I've never heard of that, but I wouldn't be surprised. It was mentioned in the article. Its just a fun tradition from a guy who clearly doesn't take himself too seriously. He wears a plastic poncho, so it's easy cleanup before the game.
  8. I've seen a lot of complaints in the user reviews on Ticketmaster about artists not talking to much, or saying the name of the city while on stage. I guess I'm in the minority when I say that I just want to hear them play. Unless it's some sort of storytellers/unplugged type thing where they're giving the background of the song they're about to play, I just want to hear the damn music. I don't care if you think it's great to be in Houston, and I know you don't care if everybody is having a good time tonight. Saw a Journey tribute a few weeks ago. Not a Journey fan, but they were opening for an Eagles tribute. Every song, the singer would take 2-3 minutes to talk to the audience about how "They don't make music like this anymore man. How many people in here grew up on Journey music? This younger generation doesn't understand. Back in my day, we had these things called records. For the kids in the audience, that was your parents version of iTunes."
  9. I've only completely walked out without paying once. I'm a picky eater, and I'll be the first to tell you that. I ordered a hamburger, plain. No cheese, nothing. Burger came out, plain, but with cheese. I wasn't mad, I just politely told my waitress that I didn't want cheese. She apologized, and brought it back about five minutes later. Of course the first thing I do is pick up the bun, make sure it's to my liking, then eat it. After a few bites, it tastes funny. So I pick up the patty as well, and they used the same burger, scraped the cheese off, and put the burger upside down so I wouldn't notice. At this point, I am pissed. If I went to someones house and they did that, it'd be one thing. They're giving me food, and they know I'm just being picky. The restaurant on the other hand, I'm paying them for the food, and as far as they know, I could be deathly allergic to cheese. I'm pissed, but I maintained mu composure complaining the second time. She takes it back, and come out with the cook. Not only does he not apologize, he bragged about how he got most of it off. I stormed out. He said he wouldn't charge me for the burger, just the fries and drink. It's one of the few times I've sworn at someone in a business, and stormed out. They were shut down a few months later.
  10. This usually happens in the private lots, so the Bills can't be held responsible. It comes from the concept of messing with one, messing with all of us. I think it's kinda cheesy, but they don't harm anybody but themselves.
  11. A hitpiece for the Wayne Times. How will our fanbase ever survive? Next thing you know, the Angola Penny Saver is gonna call out Pinto Ron. Next thing you know, Pegulas are forced to build a new stadium.
  12. There's a chain of places, I think it might just be in Texas. Called Dick's Last Resort. Went to one on the Riverwalk (tourist area) in San Antonio. They do this. They also make you wear a paper hat, with something written on it. My cousin wore won that said "I Beat Anorexia." I had one that said "Not Everything Is Bigger In Texas." Some little girl was crying, and the staff just kept making fun of her, making her cry even more, and the parents loved it.
  13. Yeah. Just looked it up. It was owned by some publishing company, but entered American public domain in 2016, and British in 2017.
  14. He was in some other band. With the guy from Shining Time Station on drums. They were a Monkees knockoff. I think @Gugny knows. Also, the Happy Birthday thing is a myth. But he owns a ton of other music, including Buddy Holly's entire catalog.
  15. I once saw a homeless man in Houston wearing a 1993 AFC Champs shirt. Not gonna lie. Was tempted to buy it from him.
  16. Yeah. But Paul McCartney would be a nobody recording in his parents basement still if Kanye West didn't discover him a few years ago.
  17. I've never worked in the food/restaurant industry, but I've worked customer service for cable/internet companies. I can tell you from experience, the "Well, what are you gonna do for me for the inconvenience this caused me?" guy is getting less than the customer who doesn't look for anything except to get their issue fixed. I'll give the first guy enough to avoid a bad survey score, but the second guy will probably get more from me.
  18. Also, I always try to tip cash when I can so they don't get taxed on it.
  19. Got pulled over a few years back. Cop asks if I'm a hockey fan. Living in a small town about 30 minutes out of Houston, that was a weird question. I said yes. He asked if I was a Sabres fan. I said yes. "I saw the sticker on the back of your car. My wife would kill me if she found out I gave a ticket to a Sabres or Bills fan. Just slow it down please. have a good night."
  20. All Time Favorites Rolling Stones (UK) Waylon Jennings (Texas) Willie Nelson (Texas) AC/DC (Australia) Creedence Clearwater Revival (USA) The Beatles (UK) Johnny Cash (US) Elton John (UK) ZZ Top (Texas) Stevie Ray (Texas) Does Texas count as its own? If I removed country music (since that's almost purely American) Rolling Stones (UK) AC/DC (Australia with Scottish roots) Creedence Clearwater Revival (USA) The Beatles (UK) Elton John (UK) ZZ Top (Texas) Stevie Ray (Texas) The Beach Boys (USA) Bob Seger (USA) Queen (UK)
  21. While I love most all of the British bands listed here, they wouldn't be here if not for American blues, rock and roll, and even country artists that came before them. They'd all openly admit to it.
  22. Last season, at the Bills Backers Bar, the waitress totally messed up our order. Took forever. Gave us the wrong food. Didn't get the right food to us until the 4th quarter. That being said, she was totally apologetic, and did everything she could to make up for it, and even took the food off my tab. We didn't ask for this, and we weren't even that mad. We tried telling her it was fine, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. So we just tipped her the difference. Like I said, it's not that a mistake is made, it's how you react to the mistake.
  23. @Boyst62 I knew that was basically just to troll me. I should have ignored it. I told myself I would. But I couldn't. I failed.
  24. Easy! The adventures of Mike Pence and Baron Trump. Growing up, I never understood why I Love Lucy was considered such a classic. I thought it was okay, but it was just like every other sitcom. Until I started learning more about TV history and realized it was the other way around. That Lucy seemed like all the other sitcoms, because they were influenced (or sometimes straight rip offs) of Lucy plots and jokes.
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