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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Can't find the video, but I have a DVD collection of the Ed Sullivan episodes with The Beatles. From back in 1964. They had a stand up comedian talking about how they have payphones everywhere. He said [paraphrased] "Before you know it, we're all gonna be carrying small telephones around right in our pockets."
  2. As mentioned earlier, I think someone pointed out that we went 0-4 most years in the Super Bowl years because Marv didn't want to risk injury in what's essentially a glorified practice.
  3. Also never smoked a cigarette. I smoke cigars occasionally, and have (regrettably) tried dip, but never saw the appeal of cigarettes. They don't get you high like other drugs, they don't seem to taste good, as a good cigar has an enjoyable flavor, and even dip usually has some sort of minty taste. Cigarettes are just inhaling nasty smoke for the sake of it. Never been to Disney, or even Florida other than for a layover.
  4. There have only been two teams in NFL history to go 016. The 2008 Detroit Lions, and the 2017 Cleveland Browns. Interestingly enough, both teams were 4-0 in the preseason. Is there any correlation between the two? Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but this is my fault. A garbage team like Cleveland has a lot more question marks than a team like New England*, or even a middle of the road team like Buffalo or Kansas City. So the better teams know for the most part who their starters are gonna be. If they even play, they're in there for a quarter max, then bring in the 2nd string guys, and by the 2nd half, it's guys fighting to keep their job. A team like Cleveland, that has so many question marks, plays their preseason games differently. Not that their necessarily trying to win. But they're playing their better players for longer because they have more questions to answer. So even though Cleveland is a much worse team, they're keeping their starters and 2nd string guys in longer, who are still better than the other team's 3rd/4th string players.
  5. My theory is simple. A garbage team like Cleveland has a lot more question marks than a team like New England*, or even a middle of the road team like Buffalo or Kansas City. So the better teams know for the most part who their starters are gonna be. If they even play, they're in there for a quarter max, then bring in the 2nd string guys, and by the 2nd half, it's guys fighting to keep their job. A team like Cleveland, that has so many question marks, plays their preseason games differently. Not that their necessarily trying to win. But they're playing their better players for longer because they have more questions to answer. So even though Cleveland is a much worse team, they're keeping their starters and 2nd string guys in longer, who are still better than the other team's 3rd/4th string players. The only reason I could see, is a fun bet between two friends who are fans of opposing teams. But those bets don't take the spread into account.
  6. The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus album/TV special has this song on it. Credited to a made up band called "The Dirty Mac." It's really John Lennon, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards (on bass actually), and Mitch Mitchell. Probably the best version out there for obvious reasons.
  7. I loved the Fab Four. Felt the same way though. Doesn't necessarily need to be a full album, but more B-Sides, etc. Saw a local Houston tribute (Called the Fab 5, because they have a fifth guy on synth/keyboards for the stuff that just can't be done live) who did the full Sgt. Pepper album with a full orchestra behind them. Even had a full Indian band for Within You Without You. There's one I've been wanting to checkout called 1964 that I've been wanting to check out. They play about a 2 hour show or so, but they only play stuff that was recorded before they stopped touring. So lots of B-Sides, but only the early stuff. I did see a group called Classic Albums Live on Friday. They played a note for note re-creation of The Wall album, complete with strings, female backup vocals, and a children's chorus for Another Brick in the Wall pt 2. It was perfect. Even played a bonus Great Gig in the Sky. They tour all of North America, and do more than just Floyd. Also went to the same venue the next night to see the Keifer Sutherland Band. Pretty good if you're a fan of traditional country music.
  8. Rob Johnson should have never started that game. Doug Flutie would have brought us to the Super Bowl.
  9. [immature comment about the name Grindstaff here]
  10. I was literally banned for a weekend once, and didn't even know till I got to work on Monday. Lol.
  11. Probably their best outside their first four. I'm actually surprise how relatively unchanged it still looks. Were there a lot of other tourists taking pictues?
  12. Depending how much she made, that's a hefty sum of money to hold her over while she's looking for a new job. Or hell, to invest in a new business, or start a business on her own.
  13. Not sure if Hot Rocks counts, being that it's a greatest hits. I'll let it slide because it got me through a tough time in my life.
  14. She had the potential to be if she took care of herself.
  15. Friend of mine had a roommate. They went out to McDonald's and got a 20 piece nugget to split. I literally watched her go "One for me, one for you..." 20 times, instead of just counting ten out for each. The rent for their apartment was like $799. So my friend told her to give her the $400 so she can go pay the rent. "That doesn't add up! I think you're trying to rip me off!" My friend, instead of trying to argue with her, just said "Fine, give me $399." Same chick worked the deli counter at the local supermarket. I asked her for three quarters of a pound of turkey. She gives me like five slices. I tell her that's not enough. She tells me that's exactly what I ordered. She puts it back on the scale. "See! Three quarters!" I look at the scale. She gave me .3 pounds of turkey.
  16. Just looked up how to watch on Roku. Signed up for the free pass. This was the screenshot they used. The disrespect.
  17. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  18. This seems like a move to try to slowly move the Bills to the UK. As @BringBackFergy and I have been saying, it's only a matter of time before they realize Pegula owns the Sabres AND Bills, which of course is against NFL by-laws.
  19. Can't say I've done a Bills game solo. Been to plenty of baseball games solo. Few AHL games solo. When I first moved to Texas, didn't have too many friends yet, and the ones I did, didn't care about baseball, and cared even less about hockey. I focus more on the game when I'm solo. I also go to concerts alone, and depending on the artist, I prefer it that way.
  20. BREAKING: Buffalo and Oakland in Talks For Blockbuster Trade
  21. I hate Ian Eagle for the smug way that he pronounces his name as "eye-an" istead of "ee-in."
  22. It ended up great until we got a coach that didn't play him right.
  23. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, but there was a SILVER (one of the Raiders colors) Ford Taurus parked outside Tempo with a UB bumper sticker. Tim Russert's Nephew's barber just told me.
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