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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. My mom was at a during the Music City game. We scored the winning touchdown. Whole bar was celebrating. All we had to do was let the clock run out. She then turned to her friend and said "Wouldn't it be funny if.........................."
  2. I know it's a gross out thread, but c'mon now. I'm trying to eat here.
  3. Or even worse, join multi level marketing.
  4. I don't think anybody is saying you can't abuse pot. If you say that, you're an idiot. You can abuse/overuse any substance. Pot, booze, sugar, food, Coca-Cola.There's a responsible and irresponsible way to use these things. But that's our responsibility, not the government's.
  5. C'mon Tom. Get to the point. Let's roll another joint.
  6. Lol. I didn't see the period after the word games. So I thought you were listing all the things you like about it. Lol.
  7. My favorite time of year is when the new sports games come out, because that means last year's game price goes down. I got Madden '16 for five bucks back in May. Other than having to look at digitized Rex Ryan's face after every other play, and of course half the roster is outdated, the game itself is just as fun. I watched a few livestreams of people playing '19. I literally couldn't tell the difference between that one, and '16.
  8. Back when YES was one band. Lol. That's beautiful. I never realized till I moved away that Bob Seger is only considered "legendary" for lack of a better term in the Northeast, and particularly the Great Lakes region. Down here, he's played, people are fans, but back home, he's much bigger.
  9. I don't need Sunday Ticket because I had it last year, and still went to the Bills Backers bar every Sunday. But my DirecTV box broke the other day. Haven't had time to call yet, but I'm hoping to pull a sob story, talk to a manager, etc, to get some sort of deal on the Center Ice package. This might be it too. I used to work for Dish, and so we had to go over training every fall on rebutals for people who wanted to cancel for DirecTV Sunday Ticket. One thing they had was a chart of how many nationally televised games each team had. New England had 9, Dallas had like 6 or 7, Buffalo had the mandatory Thursday game. I'm engaged now. Getting married in November. That might be it too. When I was single, sports were my whole life. I still love sports, but I think they've taken proper precedence in my life. Like I said, I'm just as in love with the Bills as always. It might actually be because of the fact that we're playing so good. I'm actually watching decent meaningful football, for the most part. So I don't have to go somewhere else to see a good game.
  10. My Sundays in the fall used to be centered around the NFL. I'd wake up, watch the pregame show. Drive to the bar. Watch the Bills. Drive home. Watch whatever late afternoon game I could get on local TV, or RedZone. Watch the Sunday Night game. Then usually watch MNF. Now, I'm just as passionate about The Bills as I've ever been. Go out to the bar, watch every game. New Year's Eve was probably the best day of my year last year. Pumped for this season. But I can count on one hand the number of non Bills games I watched last year. If anything, I'd rather watch a college game if I have no direct rooting interest. I don't give a **** about the anthem protests. While I'm not the biggest fan of the new rule changes, it hasn't turned me off completely to the NFL. I just find myself less enthused to watch NFL football than I used to be. Even my fantasy players I usually just check the stats online. Anybody else feel this way?
  11. My work blocks YouTube links so I don't know who's saying what. Has "The Bills are gonna win!" been posted yet?
  12. I have '95 on my Sega Genesis. Two default teams are Dallas and Buffalo. For some reason I was never able to win, despite having what should be the second best team in the game. One day though, I just wanted to play really quick. I accidentally picked Dallas, and said screw it, I'll just play. Friggin Jim Kelly comes out running a K Gun offense. I didn't realize that the AI back then was that accurate. Once I learned how to properly play a hurry up offense, I was unstoppable. Literally laughed out loud.
  13. I've seen two of them, they were both different, but great. One played the music excatly like the studio version, and you'd think you were listening to the record. The other one, was one I saw more recently. They recreated more of The Doors live experience. Extended solos, random lyric changes, psuedo philosophical rants in between songs. Very accurate, and the keyboard player had the same type of organ Ray had. They're actually a Michael Jackson Tribute I believe.
  14. I watched my own mother go through rehab five times for legally prescribed pain killers. Never seen anybody go through rehab, at least that wasn't court ordered, for pot. My father in law is either in a grumpy mood all the time from the pain, or loopy from pain pills. Pot would be that perfect medium he needs. I've never tried it myself, but I've been considering it. I was diagnosed as ADHD from a young age. They gave my Ritalin, and a few others that we experimented with. It helped me pay attention in class, but I had no appetite, and was a zombie at recess and other times that were supposed to be fun for me, so I stopped taking it around 10th grade or so. I argued back and forth on whether or not ADHD was a real thing, or even if I had it. I'd basically come to the conclusion that it was real, but the side effects outweighed the benefits of the medication. A friend of mine has the exact same story throughout elementary and high school. He was a huge pothead back in the day before I knew him. To the point where it was a strain on his marriage so he quit. But recently in the past year or so, he took it up again in moderation, and has told that it doesn't affect him like it used to, and helps with his ADHD. If anybody had ADHD, you'd know that although those afflicted ususally tend to be above average intelegance, we have trouble getting things done because our brain is going 8 miles a minute, and trying to think about 3-4 things at once. Cleaning the house means sweeping the kitchen, going to the living room to get the dust pan, picking up all of the clothes in the living room, doing a load of laundry, bringing the towels from the laundry room to the bathroom before starting the load, and an hour later you have 5 tasks halfway done. According to him, it just slows him down a little bit, and helps him concentrate.
  15. Like one of those stupid memes where you match the first letter of your name, the color of your shirt, and the month you were born to make "Your Star Wars Name."
  16. I thought the Chuck Berry one was too good to be true. Literally everybody but like two people on that line up are/were absolute legends.
  17. And if an NFL team came knocking, Bills or not, he would immediately leave. Even if just as a preseason tackle dummy to hopefully be seen by scouts.
  18. @tims180 made another bull **** thread a few days ago claiming that Kyle Williams was retiring based on the fact that his wife was bringing trash to the curb. Never seen him post before, so I clicked his name, and found this gem.
  19. Going to see Queen Extravaganza next month. A Queen tribute band where the members were hand selected by Brian May and Roger Taylor.
  20. I just realized the Chuck Berry/Buddy Holly/Chubby Checker one has to be fake. Buddy Holly died in 1959, and the poster is dated 61.
  21. Was play boxing with some of my cousins friends down in Texas one day. About a month or two after I moved down here. I yelled "I'm Rob Ray!" forgetting that I was in Texas where they don't watch hockey. Everybody just got confused, and to this day, those friends call me and have me saved in their phone as Rob Ray.
  22. This will probably catch some heat, but I never got what the big deal is about Top Gun. It's a good movie, and I enjoyed it well enough. But I don't get why it's considered such a classic. I've been told it's because I wasn't alive during the Cold War, so I wouldn't understand. But I enjoy other Cold War films like Rocky IV and Red Dawn. Even thought Rambo III, although the weakest of the series, wasn't as bad as people say.
  23. I was at the game where Houston sacked Lamaar Jackson 11 times.
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