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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. He really does. I really like Peterman. He may be good coach material some day, I'm not sure. Unfortunately, he's just doesn't have what it takes to play quarterback in the NFL.
  2. This isn't a thread to crap on McBeane and/or Peterman. Genuine question. The fact that they give him so many chances means that they may see some sort of potential, real or imaginary, that we don't see. Just trying to figure out what it is.
  3. My dad watched it on an illegal satalite feed at a bar (that's still open last I checked, so it will remain nameless) that his reletive owned. He left at the half, and went to visit my grandfather at the nursing home after the first half ended. Listened to it on the radio. Finally said "I love ya dad, but I gotta go." My grandpa was okay with him leaving, and would have went too, had he been in good health. Got to the bar just in time for overtime. He always tells me. "It's a weird thing. The stadium didn't sell out, and there seemed to be plenty of empty seats at half time. The stadium only held 80,000 at the time. but I've met 100,000 people who said they were there. And not one of them left or gave up."
  4. I can do without most of what you mentioned, but watching a game without at least a scoreboard showing the basics (score, time, down) would be frustrating as hell.
  5. This is probably the most realistic prediction on your post.
  6. For those interested and in town long enough, Alice Cooper is in town Sunday Night, and Ratt on Monday.
  7. Saw a dog labeled "Support Animal" at Wal Mart about a month ago. Sweet looking dog. But was sniffing everybody's cart, trying to play with people. Didn't seem to be a threat to anybody, but certainly not a trained dog, and I hate to make assumtions, but the owner didn't seem to have any sort of disability that would warrent an actual service dog. Sad thing is, they're giving actual service dogs a bad name.
  8. I feel connected, even though it was before my time as an actual fan. I knew who the guys were, and vaguely remember being in the room with my parents watching the last two Super Bowls, but was far from old enough to actually watch, understand, let alone respect what was going on. I own two Kelly jerseys, three if you include a t-shirt jersey. The two best QBs of my adult life have been Tyrod Taylor, and Kyle Orton. My earliest memory of watching a Bills game was the Music City Debacle. I think we try to cling to that team, more than we should, simply because that was the last great team that we had
  9. I'm an Astros fan. You guys had a hell of a year. If someone told me in April that you were the team I'd have to keep a close eye on, I would have laughed.
  10. I've used the cherry juice. It helps. I buy two big bottles for $5 at HEB (Texas grocery store.) Only need about a 5 oz Dixie cup every morning.
  11. I honestly don't consider any of the newer material to be Lynyrd Skynyrd. Their later albums were nothing more than the pandering country music singing about how redneck you can be. I've seen them live, and while talented, you can tell they're phoning it in. That said, during the first reunion special, Johnny leaving the stage for just an instrumental of Free Bird send chills down my spine. They did the same thing at volunteer jam a year or two after the plane crash.
  12. That's why I only drink like one beer a month, and it better be a damn good beer.
  13. I've had it in literally any joint you can name. Usually, if I feel it coming on, I take Aleve and feel fine. Liquor or wine doesn't usually have an effect on me. Just beer. Even non alcoholic beer. Never heard of this, gonna have to try it. I've tried every prescription they can give for gout, and the only thing that helps is Aleve (or off brand). Ibuprofen helps in a pinch. DO NOT take Tylenol. That makes it worse. It's literally better to take nothing, than to take Tylenol for gout.
  14. That's outrageous. I bet they have a "team sponsored" type tailgate, where you can only buy overpriced food/drink from them though, right?
  15. Yep. I've literally peed into a cup before because I couldn't walk the ten feet to my bathroom. First time I had it was when I was 16 and in the Boy Scouts. Ate nothing but freeze dried foods while hiking at Philmont (ranch in the rocky mountains). Felt fine by the time I was home. Had it a few more times, went to urgent care. Every time, the x-ray showed nothing, my dad suggested that since he had gout, and his dad had gout, maybe that's what it was. They said no, there's no way someone my age could contract gout. Went to Artpark with my mom, feeling just fine. Sat down, had two chilli dogs, and one beer, and could barely stand up. Forced myself to walk down that giant hill. Went to a real hospital. First thing they suggested was gout. They said the people at the urgent care were ridiculous, and that can't be proven or disproven without a blood test. I get it everywhere. Ususally my ankle, but I've had it in my knee, toe, foot, elbow, hand and fingers. Until you've had it, you don't understand how bad it can get.
  16. Murray's stats from his last season in Dallas, vs his first in Philly prove that he's useless without a good OL.
  17. Right. But logistically speaking, scheduling 8 games a year with at least one team traveling across the Atlantic would be a nightmare. I've always thought Toronto would be a great city to put a permanent NFL team, just not ours.
  18. Depends how INterested both teams are. Depends if McBeane wants to INvest IN now, or the IN the future. Do they INtend to make the playoffs this year? Do they take into account Shady's INjury history?
  19. So what happens to NFL players who have criminal records and can't leave the country?
  20. Isn't Pyle a registered sex offender?
  21. @BringBackFergy @JauronimoThis is what will happen when the NFL finds out that Pegula also owns the Sabres. Four games max in the WNY area, then four in Ontario, or Hamilton or something.
  22. Last time we played in the Superdome I paid $100 for literally 2nd to last row in the upper deck around the 15 yard line. My tickets for Sunday are endzone seats.
  23. If anybody has already bought a ticket for the Sunday Morning tailgate in the Yellow Lot, PM me. Some things have changed.
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