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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. What did Hillary Clinton know about Hillary Clinton?
  2. I had forgotten about the ridiculous contract and guaranteed money Gruden got when I wrote it.
  3. How often do you think he's uttered the phrase "Do you know who my uncle is?"
  4. You can afford to buy the team. Instead of hiring a GM, just make your decisions based on TBD post game threads.
  5. Does this guarentee the smallest crowd the Oakland Raiders have ever seen the rest of this season?
  6. This is a better way of describing how I feel in the second part. Forgot about the ridiculous contract they gave him.
  7. A few thoughts I had about the fire sale in Oakland. Might mean nothing. One, Gruden realizes he's bad. So if he essentially rebuilds the team with rookies, he guarentees himself another three years, because he has the built in excuse of being a young team. Another thought, again, might mean nothing. Basically getting rid of the stars, so that when the team moves to Las Vegas, it's like a whole new expansion team with brand new players. A marketing thing more than a football thing. EDIT: When I made this post, I forgot about the ridiculous contract the Raiders gave Gruden.
  8. They may see it as a project to show what can happen when a troubled player learns to trust The Process™ that they put in place.
  9. I've read that Dylan does this. Plays a bunch of new ***** nobody has ever heard unless you've bought a record since his Jesus years, then ends with Like a Rolling Stone.
  10. One important question though. Does he respect the flag? If so, sign him now.
  11. I love how you call people morons in your post, yet have multiple spelling, capitalization, and punctuation issues throughout the entire post. Mr. @Marvlevydraftdaygenius, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent pst were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this forum is now dumber for having read to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  12. Chris Hogan. The greatest corner back this team never had. @BringBackFergy agrees. Clay has a no trade clause.
  13. With Doug Marrone's ST corrdinator still here, that might be the connection we need. Do it Beane!
  14. Seen plenty of pretty girls at real county music shows. They usually got brains to go with the looks too.
  15. True. Honestly, she may have been on cocaine being up that late.
  16. Hope the drug tested her and got a search warrant for marijuana just in case.
  17. Luke Bryan is pretty boy, pop country, garbage. Along with Florida-Georgia Line.
  18. This is actually a good point. It wasn't even the weekend, it was a school night. Being in Colorado, she's probably some sort of irresponsible pothead. Sad!
  19. My ten year reunion (Frontier, 2008) was this summer. I was acquaintances with most people, but had only a few that I would actually consider to be a friend. The few who I'm friends with, I see every time I come home from Texas to visit. Plus with Facebook and other social media, I already know what they're all up to.
  20. I've been going through a bit of a country music phase the past year or so. I've always had a respect for some of the older stuff. Willie, Johnny Cash, Hank Sr, etc. I've always been a huge rock and roll fan, so had an understanding of the influence that Johnny and Hank had on the development in the early years of rock and roll. But about a year ago, I started reaching deeper into their catalog than just the hits everybody knows. Started getting into Waylon Jennings, George Jones, Merle Haggard, etc. I never really gave much credence to anything new, because every time I turned it onto the country station it was just some manufactured polished garbage. Essentially Nickelback with a slide guitar, and lyrics about tractors and small towns so it can be marketed as country. Turns out there's some really good stuff if you look past the radio stuff. Sturgil Simpson, Ryan Bingham, Chris Stapelton (even though he's been getting some mainstream success lately), Jamey Johnson, and Cody Jinks. It's all actually genuinely good music. Just wondering what, if any, country music people here listen to.
  21. It's sad because the did was/is a comedy genius. It's hard to watch him now knowing who he really is.
  22. I used to live and die by the Bills. If we won, I was happy all week. Lose? I was just pissed off till about Tuesday or Wednesday. Maybe its finding my future wife. Maybe I've matured. Maybe just getting used to the Bills not being that great. Probably a mixture, but I don't let the losses effect me. I get angry during the game, because in a weird unexplainable way, it's part of the fun of being a fan. But by the time I get to the car, I'm over it. I'll still be watching this year. Partially because I'm still a fan and want to see how the team (hopefully) develops. But mostly, as an excuse to hang out with my Buffalo friends. Other than that @Jauronimo fella, they're all fun people.
  23. Before all these new allegations, I read a blogpost somewhere about someone who worked for a theater he was performing at. If anybody called him Bill, instead of Mr. Cosby, he'd flip his *****. If anybody said anything to him about how they're a big fan, or tried to take a picture of him, he'd have them immediately removed.
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