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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Back up into a drunk chick on the Chip Strip, then drive home pretending I didn't know.
  2. Just hope they're within my price range, and I can get tickets before they sold out. Went to an outdoor all day concert with Willie Nelson this year. They were giving away water. The venue has an exclusive bar/restaurant that was probably overpriced. But it was like 100° outside, so they had an area sectioned off where anybody could come in to cool off for a few minutes. Now WHO would do such a stupid thing like that?
  3. I saw a Journey tribute band (opening for an Eagles tribute) once. Every other song was something along the lines of "Hey, does this song bring back memories? The young folks won't remember what real music is like. We used to have these things called records." So hacky.
  4. When I saw "Lynyrd Skynyrd" (in quotes because they've essentially been a tribute band for years) there, they kept talking about how great it was to be in New York. You could tell that they were just phoning the whole show in. My fiance is a huge Green Day fan. I've never really gotten into them, but bought her tickets for Christmas a few years ago. They put on one hell of a show. Definitely check them out.
  5. Are there any shows like this? I don't think I've seen any footage of Jim Morrison in concert where I thought he wasn't high and/or drunk on something.
  6. 1) Believe it or not, Weird Al Yankovic. Dude puts on one hell of a show, with costume changes, and videos, and crowd interaction. Of course playing everything from rock, rap, pop, country, and even a polka song or two. 2) The Charlie Daniels Band. I love the CDB, but I was pretty disappointed. Half the concert were "solo" songs from the band members with Charlie not even on the stage, and a five minute drum solo. Also, played a lot of newer stuff. EDIT: Scratch that. My fiance's cousin got two free tickets to Panic! At The Disco/Weezer. Panic was unbearable. Not my music, and you couldn't hear anything over the screaming teenage girls. Lead singer made a bunch of pandering political/social comments, and dropped a lot of F-bombs. I'm not offended by the F bombs, but it had they "Hey kids, look how cool I am because I can say this word into a microphone." vibe. Thankfully, most of the little kids left after them, and Weezer put on a really good show. 3) The Rolling Stones 4) If I had to name one, it would probably be Queen obviously with Freddie. Adam Lambert isn't bad. Dude's got some chops for sure, and I'd like to see them someday. But the stage presence that Freddie had, and the way he could just put on a show was amazing.
  7. You still have access to his diary?
  8. Why do I get the feeling that you also unironically use words like Killary, Libtard, and Obummer frequently?
  9. Rumor has it, Blockbuster CEO literally laughed in Netflix' face when they made that offer. Dish Network ended up buying Blockbuster out towards the end. They did everything that Blockbuster should have done. Started a kiosk system to rival Redbox, started a streaming service. Unfortunatly, the streaming service didn't have very good content because of how late to the game they were, and it was all just too late.
  10. Four Questions. 1) Best Concert You've Ever Seen 2) Worst Concert You've Ever Seen 3) Bucket List Concert 4) Concert you wish you could see, but can't due to death/bandbreakup etc.
  11. Ooh, there's a Pominville on the team. Must Jason's son or nephew or something? Wait, that's him?!?!? My cousin and I always talk about his pessimist dad who's a University Houston fan. "Yeah, they won the National Championship, but what was with trying to run the ball up the middle on second down in the third quarter? This coaching staff is incompetent and they all need to be fired!"
  12. Yeah, although some of them might be funny, they have zero control over what happens on the field. Although I do have a friend who has been an Astros season ticket holder since the mid 80s. She had these perfect seats in the dome. Top row in a balcony section, right by a bathroom and beer stand. She told them politely but firmly, that she wasn't gonna renew her tickets until they had at least a .500 record. Three years later they called her back with the exact same seats.
  13. My uncle is a season ticket holder at the University of Houston. The team was having a particularly down year that season. Half way through, the season, he got the same typical email. "Mr [NAME], how do you like your seats." His response was one sentence. "They're facing the wrong way."
  14. This reminds of the the silent prayer I say for the intern that runs the Facebook page, and has to post the sponsored, and contractually obligated "Blue Rock Player of the Game" survey every Monday after a Bills loss.
  15. I don't have a problem with him saying this, honestly. Would you rather him come out and crap on the guy? "Yeah. Nate sucked. As soon as we got a half way competent QB to back up, we threw his pick six throwing ass to the curb! Good riddance!"
  16. He knows our playbook, obviously. Wouldn't be surprised if they kept him a few weeks till they play us.
  17. From the official Bills site. Each of those is a backers bar. You should be fine. Lol. If not, every Buffalo Wild Wings shows every game.
  18. Why would we do that?
  19. Eh. It's Hollywood. Casting a Swedish guy as a Russian is pretty close for those people. Lol.
  20. Do you know if they ever had a policy like that?
  21. @Coach Tuesday Have a friend that works at the Univiersty. Apparently, earlier that day, there was a parking space reserved for some big shot board member. Ed Oliver, being the big man on campus (literally), decided to move the parking cone and park there. Got towed. I met his dog once too. Big ol' great dane. Beautiful dog. His girlfriend takes it to the locker room for him so that he can play with the dog before the game. While harmless, I doubt that if he wasn't the best defesnive player the school has seen in decades, that would happen.
  22. Yeah. Apparently had no prior acting experience. Just a buff Russian dude that fit the part.
  23. My dad saw them back in the 70's at Rich Stadium. He said they didn't play Truckin' and the reason he had heard, is that they intentially didn't play it in any of the cities mentioned in the song. Apparently, they thought it just ruined the vibe when people would cheer when they heard their city name. But I haven't been able to verify this anywhere on the internet. I've never been a huge fan, but definitely respect them. I've noticed more than a fair share of you here, and figured this would actually be the place to go. @The Poojer
  24. I have a bunch of family coming to town on Thursday. Since we're having a wedding, rehearsal dinner, etc, we're not having a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, so I'll probably go see it with my brother and a few cousins.
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